What keeps turning my hue bulb back on?

I'm going out of my mind. Hue is hooked up to Alexa, hubitat, wink and IFTTT.

  • I deleted every routine in Alexa.
  • I made sure nothing was triggering this light in hubitat
  • I disconnected hue from wink months ago.
  • I went into IFTTT and deleted every service except the one where the lights blink when Alexa timer is done.
  • I made sure there was absolutely no routines in hue of any kind.

I turn the group/room off in hubitat which is 5 lights and 3 minutes later this one damn light comes right back on. I'm so lost. See below. Any way I can troubleshoot this to figure out what's going on? Are aliens controlling it? Some other long forgotten linked account?

Did you have any Wink robots with that light?


You got it!!!! I just went into wink and saw this:

The timing is too suspicious. The lamp is plugged into a damn outlink which has been offline for 2 years but a recent wink update has gotten it working again.

I have 3 things left in wink: a pivot power strip and 2 outlinks which I had forgotten about and have ignored forever.

It's flipping the switch off and back on for some reason and that's resetting the hue bulb in the lamp. I'm an idiot.

Ok I'm removing the last couple of robots in wink which still are connected to the outlets.

Thanks again. I love this place.