What is the expected compatibility of GoControl GD00Z-8 and older C-5 Hub

So want to keep all my home portals Zwave not wifi so that takes most controls off the market. I had an older GD00Z-1 Iris branded garage door controller but a chip in it quit working or something. I am looking at replacing it with a newer GD00Z-8 but worried the newer Zwave Plus S2 stuff might mess things up. I feel like it should work just not have the cooler security features. (not sure its needed, not sure what regular Zwave mode of failure is)

Am I good to go on getting a newer -8 or should I find an older -4 or something.

Is it the LED failure that so many have?

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no it won't stay paired and won't respond to the reset button. I can reset it by opening it up and putting a jumper on the right pin but as soon as I unplug it to install it on my garage it quits working right. almost like a memory chip is fried.

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I run 2 of the -4 models and all have been fine, no LED issue yet.
I do find them a bit weak in the RF dept so they are rarely DIRECT.

I have two of the -4. Both run direct. The original, older one, runs at 40k, while the more recent one runs at 100K. Both joined as S0, which is all that was available then. :slight_smile: They are joined to a C-7 with the antenna mod, but they were direct before the mod.

You must be good luck today. I just check and damned if they aren't both DIRECT.

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I try to be good luck every day.. but.. :smiley:

Unlikely; garage door openers do require secure pairing, but S2 should "fall back" to S0 if S2 is not available. All hub models support at least S0, so that much should be good. I wouldn't worry about this — though I've never specifically tested this exact model to say for sure (nor did I know they have apparently made eight revisions of it, nor could I tell you which I used to have...but probably not this one).

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I used the Iris branded GDOs for years. I currently have 4 garage doors, two on the house and two on the shop. I have replaced all of them but 1 with Zooz Zen16s in the last year or so. The Iris GDOs fail about once every 20 to 30 days and I would have to cycle power and then cycle the door via the manual button.

I plan on replacing the last one in the next month or so. New ones might be better but I can say with certainty the Zens have been much more reliable.