What is the best way to know what Hubitat can and can't do

Who is this addressed to?

And the WiKi is born....I like it...haha

You but it's meant to be humorous... and I've been known to fail at that :frowning:

No worries, I wasn't sure because I don't know that I am expecting here yet. I was asking how to deal with the documentation because I heard such good things about Hubitat that I thought I must be missing something. But so far my experience has been a struggle. Hopefully I will find my way.

I am concerned about the lack of comment from anyone other they the two of us however. It seems like a pretty important topic to me. Bad documentation can kill a platform quickly.

I think one of the difficulties with a wiki will be that things are changing at such a rapid rate. It would almost be a full time job just keeping it up to date and it seems like the staff are busy pumping out new features and developing the platform. I understand why one theory may be to wait till it matures some more and the progress slows, then developing and maintaining a wiki would be easier. That said, I would love to have access to that information now.

As a developer for about 30 years I know developers HATE documenting. But it never gets done if you don't make it a part of the development process. Documenting later is error prone because little details developers are doing are never included in the documentation. So you have dead code because nobody knows it exists, you get strange side effects because of a feature nobody knows about etc.

I document as I develop, as a manager I don't accept pull requests unless well documented. It pays off later. If I was starting a company I would dedicate someone to documentation right at the start.

My $.02 anyway...but I know it won't happen so we will cope....

Ron, I do most of my work by myself, that is how I learn. I like to read about things (and save such documents as PDF files on my PC for reference purposes) rather than having to ask for assistance and then wait for hours (and in some communities/forums/message bases, for days) to be eventually given a reply that does not solve the current situation (I have lived way too often with such situations in weather related forums).

That might be true but, then again, the reply might be useful at the time it is/was posted - what if at a future date I need an answer to a similar question you have asked - there is almost no way the search functions of this Community are going to find the answer as the search functions of all the community/forum/message base software have not been improved over the past decade (I have installed and tried almost all of those software on my computer).

Not yet - I am having a problem with the discovery and integration of the Philips Hue bridge with the Hubitat Elevation hub and, until that problem is solved, I have no intention of moving forward with the Habitat Elevation hub... :disappointed:


@ray I am completely new to Hubitat but honestly my experience so far says I am returning it for a refund. Nothing I try is working. So your experience is likely accurate. This platform is not ready for prime time.

Quite possible ... although I might, haphazardly (by chance), read a reply which explain in better details the information I already saved on my PC - so, I will add/append that new information to the previously saved PDF file...


That is/was a stupid suggestion if I may say/write ... I have near zero knowledge about the Hubitat Elevation hub and I certainly do not have the required information...

And, because of some discovery/integration problems between my Philips Hue bridge and the Hubitat Elevation hub, I am/have been seriously thinking in returning the Hubitat Elevation hub!

It does not matter that the Hubitat Elevation hub might be the best hub in the world, if I cannot get it to communicate with one external bridge, how will the Hubitat Elevation hub behave when I try, for example, to integrate it with my Amazon Echo devices, with a Lutron Caseta Smart Bridge PRO or a Samsung SmartThings Smart Home Hub...

I know I should have quote only parts of your reply but...

Indeed, a Wiki needs to be kept up-to-date with ever changing information and, indeed, at the beginning or creation of the Wiki, someone has to entered all the information on an almost continuous daily basis. But, if a Wiki is not created during the development and 'maturing' stage of a project or device (such as the Hubitat Elevation hub) then that Wiki will never be created as the knowledgeable people required to 'feed' the Wiki will loose eventually their interest to do so - I know, I have been there and back.

A clear and concise documentation for the Hubitat Elevation hub is required now, so I (and many other users) could promote the Hubitat Elevation hub as the best home automation device with an excellent documentation - there are many users that still like to read clear documentation before purchasing a new device (such as the Hubitat Elevation hub), I am one of them, I am not of the 'TL;DR' generation... :blush:

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Ron, hopefully our requests for some documentation NOW (other than the lost replies in message threads) will be heard by the staff at Hubitat ... it is still not too late for creating such reference location... :roll_eyes:

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I wouldn't, it was a joke.

I understand, I have already made the same decision. I don't have time for something so raw.

I don't think anyone is making his claim.

I would not expect that, developers typically tend to hate documenting.

BTW: you can quote folks into one post, you don't need to make on post for every quote.

Ron, the Hubitat Elevation hub platform "could be ready" for prime time if the Hubitat staff could/would understand that having an appropriate reference location (such as a Wiki) where up-to-date documentation, FAQs, lists of compatible and incompatible devices, tutorials, how-to (and possibly videos, although I do not care very much about videos as I find them all annoying and usually poorly done), would be available, a reference location that is not part of the message base, a reference location that contains no comment, no reply, a reference location that contains just the facts on the operation of the Hubitat Elevation hub.

Ron, as someone else recently suggested to me, could/would you keep your Hubitat Elevation hub a little longer and stay with the Community, please - I am hopeful (maybe a little bit optimistic) that some decisions will be made in regard to the creation of a Wiki or a reference location...

Ron, I know the suggestion was not yours, I was replying to ' csteele'...

I might have all the time (being a retiree) but I do not have the patience anymore to deal with something that is so esoteric (ie: intended for or to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge).

Well then, if that is the case for all developers, then that might be one of the reasons why so many projects seem to 'crash' within their first year of release...

Unfortunately, I do not know how to do that - I try finding some documentation about this Community software but did not find anything really informative as this software is commercial and documentation seems reserved for the software renters/owners... :frowning_face:

The forum software is called Discourse. I have been using SmartThings' Discourse Forum platform for 4+ years now, so the move to Hubitat's Discourse Forum was a simple one. It takes a little getting used to, but once you master it, it really does seem to work well. I use the search feature all of the time, with very good success. Like anything, it takes time to know what key words to search for, and this knowledge only comes with time, and a lot of reading to learn the platform.

I completely understand the frustration both @ray and @Ron are expressing within this discussion. I think what needs to be restated is that Hubitat Elevation is still in the early stages of the product life cycle. This was clearly stated in the Hubitat Terms of Service...

c. Customer acknowledges that the Hubitat Platform is under continuous development, is not complete or otherwise at the final stage of development and that Hubitat makes no representation that the Hubitat Platform is error or bug free. Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Hubitat Platform may experience unscheduled downtime and agrees that Hubitat shall not be liable for any harm resulting from unscheduled downtime.

Does this excuse Hubitat from providing detailed, well-maintained documentation? Maybe at this early stage of the product's life cycle. Most of this community's users want the developers to stay busy adding support for more devices, more integrations, etc... Hopefully formal documentation is on the road map, but until then, this Community offers an amazing resource of both Hubitat engineers and end users who are usually willing to bend over backwards to help one another. I have never received the level of support and honest, open feedback from any other company that I have dealt with in the home automation field. If you want a direct line of communications to the Hubitat team, this community is the best portal. Reach out to them as they are an awesome team that is very responsive to user questions and feedback.

@bravenel - Rule Machine, Lutron Integrations, HSM, Simple Lighting, etc...
@mike.maxwell - Device Drivers, ...
@patrick - Dashboard, Alexa, ...
@bobbyD - HE Tech Support, Forum Support
@chuck.schwer - inner workings of the platform, API's, ...
(sorry if I have forgotten anyone... busy at work this morning!)

I would encourage you both to give it some time, as I believe you will be very impressed in the long run. The platform, in its current state, definitely favors former ST users/developers. Coming in cold from another platform, will definitely pose additional challenges and a steeper learning curve. However, it is still significantly simpler (IMHO) than trying to use a full DIY open source platform like Home Assistant or Open HAB.

In whatever decision you make, I wish you well. One thing to remember, the Hubitat Elevation hub is really inexpensive in the grand scheme of things. Users with 50 to 250+ devices have spent a small fortune on their home automation passion/addiction. The HE hub is less than the cost of a smart thermostat. It has no ongoing fees and no cloud dependencies (like ST, Wink, and Iris). To me, Hubitat Elevation is an absolute bargain with an amazing and very responsive team behind it. Again, I wish you well in whatever decision you make.


I was gonna try to say what @ogiewon said, but he beat me to it and frankly, said it better than I wouldā€™ve :slight_smile:.

@Ron Iā€™d encourage you to keep giving Hubitat a try, I donā€™t know if this helps, but Iā€™d try to keep in mind they arenā€™t claiming itā€™s ready for primetime yet, and theyā€™re very responsive on here to questions, bug reports and feature requests.

@ray I agree with Ogiewon that the discourse software is not that incomprehensible and terrible (including the search feature). Even if itā€™s not ideal. But thatā€™s just my opinion, and I understand why you might be frustrated with the way things are documented (or not).


FWIW, my memory and focus isn't what it used to be so I've found the bookmark feature to be very helpful in keeping track of things I might want to revisit. You can return to a thread at a specific point instead of searching through the whole thing. Code or links to code I might want to try at a future date get bookmarked.

To bookmark, click on the three dots under any post and select bookmark. To retrieve, click your user icon and click the bookmark icon.

This seems simple but it has really helped me deal with the amount of great info in this community.


The problem is you agree to this after you made the purchase on Amazon of a product you thought worked at least a little. So far everything I have tried has not worked. That's not an experience I can continue having without much frustration. The Amazon listing should state this clearly as should the Hubitat purchase site. If this was an indiegogo or kickstarter purchase I would understand. But buying a product from a polished looking site and/or Amazon sets different expectations.

Ron, We'd be happy to help you with whatever you're having difficulty with. Have you contacted support@hubitat.com? Did you take @patrick up on his offer to provide assistance?

I'm truly sorry that your expectations have been disappointed. We've scrambled to get out a solid product, and clearly there are areas, including documentation, that need to be improved. We figured that people transitioning from ST would 'get it', and realize that with very minor exceptions, Hubitat Elevation offers essentially the same abstraction model as ST, with apps and drivers largely the same for each. Most of our customers have welcomed our choice to focus on the platform first, to put our resources there as a priority. I'm sorry that this choice doesn't work for you.

Again, we'd be more than happy to help you get over your initial hurdles, but if returning the product is your remedy, we will do that for you also.



Thanks @bravenel I wish I could work with you. But I don't really have time since I work full time. Also Living in Hawaii my time difference makes it hard for me to work with you guys. I really wanted to jump on board, I am excited about the idea, I purchased as soon as I heard about the product. But the first device I added is one of my most important "Fibaro Motion Sensor" and it is not working at all. I tried to get support from the community. I didn't reach out to support because I figured it's the same folks on the community. You, Mike and Patrick have been replying to my comments so I figured you were following.

Regardless, this device is much less than I expected. I didn't expect a harware device rebranded as hubitat (really a crippled X86). I knew it used a zwave stick but I thought that was an interesting design choice to allow for easy upgrade. Now I see it was because you are just using other products to build this sysytem. That's fine but not what I thought I was buying.

I didn't care too much about this but when I accessed the system I had a lot of issues off the bat. My attempts to get the fibaro working have been frustrating and it is listed as a supported device so I figure most of my devices will be this way.

I also tried porting my own fibaro dh and realized that the errors being produced were not clear to me and I had no idea how to convert the DH without better instructions.

I bought the device because I say it didn't support the zxt-120 DH yet and since I wrote it on ST I figured I could help you guys out and do the conversion for you and perhaps get on board with a new system. But now I see I will not have the resources I need to do that.

I wish you guys luck. I hope the product works. I suggest you make it more clear on Amazon and your sites purchase portal that this is a Beta Device.

Sorry I can't be more positive but I spent $350 on Animus Heart Indiegogo campaign in an effort to move away from ST and was burned by that loss. I would like to keep my Hubitat and follow along but if it tanks I don't want to have wasted the $115 again.