Any hope for ZXT-120 Driver?

I thought I'd reopen this request for a driver for the ZXT-120 ir blaster z-wave device.

I found a couple threads regarding this device.

The first with a couple people who have a similar request. They were able to apply the usual porting suggestions but most of the features don't work other than on/off and ir learning.

The second from @Ron who was the original creator of the SmartThings DH. It appears he abandoned HE around June 2018.

This is the last set of devices I still have on smartthings, and I'm using hubconnect to integrate them with hubitat. I feel a little foolish having smartthings on for just these devices.

At the same time, I don't believe hubitat thermostat functions are integrated with the Alexa skill yet, so even if the zxt-120 driver was fully ported, I wouldn't be able to control it the way I did with smartthings and alexa.

+1 for a zxt-120 driver.

It’s a pretty specific kind of device, but it seemed like there were plenty of people in the ST community that used it.

@mike.maxwell have you considered writing a driver for this device?



If you need a ZXT-120, I have one that I no longer use. Be happy to mail it to you. Just let me know.


Sure, keep in mind I'm probably not going to be able to look at it for a month at lease...



I don't need it at all. So you can take your time. PM me an address to send it to.


Edit - finally got around to shipping this today. Sorry for the 2 week delay.

Hello everyone. I was wondering if Mike or someone from the staff managed to get this device going with Hubitat? It's the last device I need to migrate from ST. Please try to make it work sometime.

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The ZXT-120 hasn't been made in several years now, so I would assume it is very very low on @mike.maxwell's list of priorities.

Personally, if I were you, I would leave your ZXT-120 on ST and integrate it with Hubitat using HubConnect.

Thanks for the heads up. I already have it configured that way, but I wanted to sell the ST hub and work with one. Isn't there any alternative IR emitter for Hubitat?

Yeah - lot of people use Broadlink devices (RM2, Mini) - there's a native integration written by @cybrmage. So you could use that in combination with a temperature sensor, a virtual thermostat, and rule machine .....


But the ZXT-120 wraps it all up so nicely into one z-wave device that can be automated with thermostat manager!

And on HE it would be 100% local, unlike ST. That’s the sticking point for me, HubConnect is great, especially for bringing other cloud-based devices into the hubitat environment. But I soooo don’t want to have to deal with the ST cloud’s foibles when operating my window A/Cs.

Don’t give up on the ZXT-120 @mike.maxwell!!

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I just wanted to re-add my name to this list. I have four ZXT-120s that are still using SmartThings as their hub and use Hubconnect also so Hubitat can control them.

I'm not sure what other IR remotes work the same way as the ZXT-120. These do something special with the AC units. I feel like they communicate back and forth with each other when commands are sent? I'm not really sure.

I actually have one other duty I still use SmartThings for, which is for my Harmony Hub which coincidentally is an IR remote. I hubconnect a couple of devices back to SmartThings so my Harmony remote can control them. Harmony doesn't work with Hubitat directly.

I noticed that a driver for the Sage Doorbell sensor was added to HE recently. And Hughes shutdown Sage in 2016, so maybe there's still hope for the ZXT-120.

Very true. And @mike.maxwell can keep the ZXT-120 I sent for ever. So the next time, he gets fidgety from quitting smoking ..... (I know the feeling :no_smoking: any more).

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Did you send me one?

Yup - August 2019. Sent you a PM with a tracking # when I sent it. Maybe its sitting in your junk pile.

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LOL, well I don't have a junk pile, but it must be around, I'll have a look!


Is Hubitat's thermostat communication with Alexa still somewhat limited? I remember trying to add the zxt-120 device to Alexa by way of Hubitat > Hubconnect > Smartthings and there were many things I couldn't do. Adding the ZXT-120 to Alexa by of Smartthings directly gave me a lot more options.

It's currently non existent, I can't say when we will add actual thermostats to Alexa

yes, I have it, it's that hockey puck thingie...


Definitely no.