What is Hub name on LAN? Why (or whynot ) Change it?

In my clickng the last week or so I just noticed the field in Hub Details Hub Name on LAN. Why would (or wouldn't) you change this? If you have multiple hubs would this be a way to make it easier to identify which hub is which on your network? What are the advantages/Disadvantages of changing this?

It's what will control the mDNS name. If you have multiple hubs, you want to set each hub to a unique value.


Are there any restrictions on how to name (special character, no spaces, etc)? I do have multiple hubs but have never changed this. The way my stuff is set up, local devices are on one hub, automations are on another, and cloud integrations are on a third. So I'm thinking something like hubitat.devices, hubitat.server and hubitat.cloud. would those be acceptable?

I don't know that there are any restrictions on what you put in there, but special characters such as space or period will be removed before use. I would recommend you stay with dash as a separator (which is a valid hostname character), so "hubitat-devices", "hubitat-server" and "habitat-cloud".

When these appear in your local network, they will have the ".local" domain appended to the name. So the actual hostnames would be "hubitat-devices.local", etc.


I took the boring approach of:

  • HEDEVxx

HERULES does cover a HE hub for local integrations along with cloud integrations on another hub.

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I hope your Mrs never reads those names....lol



There are benefits to the single life.... :slight_smile:

But you are right... They would not fly with all homes, some would need to adopt the SmartHomeElevationRULES acronym to appease the broader... committee... :wink: