What happened to Pete!?

A live stream from DIY Smart Home Guy popped up on my YouTube feed so clicked it and see Pete is taking over the DIY Smart Home Guy channel! Let the speculation begin!


Just someone who wants a change in his career. That is not so unusual..


Employee turnover, especially in a smaller company, is not unusual or unexpected.


He's obviously chasing the millions of dollars that can be made in the smart home space on YouTube.... :rofl: :rofl:


You can check the announcement here...

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Pete will be doing what he likes most, on daily basis: :drum: recording videos :drum:.

He committed 52 videos per year + :christmas_tree:, so we all wish him good luck! Like @diySmartHomeGuy mentioned, he is embarking on a tight schedule which will see him often burn the midnight oil.


:astonished: but :saluting_face:

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I hope he's not doing video of his but..... NTTIAWWT...

Finished that for you

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It's been great working with Pete on the transition. He was a big help on the last 3 videos that I released. And now, it's on him. Thanks for all the support!


I'm happy for Pete, but he will be missed here. His tutorial videos were great. Hopefully Hubitat will get someone to fill those shoes, as it can get pretty quiet around here from a information-sharing perspective....

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