What happened to At Home Simulator app?

I've had a fairly stable implementation set of At Home Simulator child apps running for a couple of years. I just checked back in and saw that it's now labeled "Deprecated" and is no longer part of the current BPTWorld GitHub code set. I've searched a bit today but have not yet found any explanation of what's going on other than the code now being considered deprecated and no longer downloadable from current GitHub. (I.e. Did Bryan just get tired of maintaining it or did a newer, different app render it OBE?)

So is there an explanation in this community of what's happened to AHS and whether there is a leading equivalent current app / app set that's currently supported? (Would that be "vacation-lighting-director"?) If not, would it be considered acceptable and fair use to fork the last AHS source code I already have downloaded to make some changes / enhancements as long as I leave attribution / acknowledgement to Bryan in the code comments?


Tagging @bptworld

Theere is another app vacation lighting director you can consider

Just checked and the app is still available through Bryan's Bundle Manager (he pulled his apps from HPM a while back). It looks like he's taking some time off from coding/supporting his apps.

I don’t personally use it, but as mentioned above, all of @bptworld’s most up to date code base is available in his Bundle Manager app, and that should include at home simulator, as far as I know. All of his individual apps were marked as deprecated quite a while back when he made that change.

Thanks - all of you who replied - for explaining what's happening. I'm used to manually and directly interacting with Github for my development projects. And I prefer to update code myself so I'm always sure exactly what code I'm running to allow direct correlation between code changes and behavior changes. I often diff existing and prospective new code before trying it.

So I've not been using the Package Manager and it didn't occur to me that different code sets would be available through it than is directly
available for download on Github. My bad.

Thanks again for the prompt and useful replies!

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