Hi all, I put some more thought into this last night and I plan to build the same device Cobra has posted as I all need is an audrino relay which is cost's @ £5 for 2 on amazon.
I am also going to buy the ring extender, currently I don't have any z-wave devices apart from 1 NEO Cool cam water sensor which isnt being used currently, the plan is to turn this into a second power outage sensor.
I was just wondering if anyone can tell me more about the ring extender device, from what I am reading it is a Zwave extender, also how is it integrated into hubitat, can it be integrated on its own, I found a driver for it but the github link seems to be a dead link and the driver has been withdrawn.
I do however have a C7 hub, just researching as much as I can before I pull the trigger and spend £30.