What can i do with a Schlage Lock on Hubitat

Which Schlage?

The driver should be automatically selected at pairing. If you are on the Device tab, and in the settings page for this device you should see the Schlage as the Device Type as shown above.

It sounds like this is coming through with a different driver (Device Type)? If so, what is it?

Driver was automatically selected at pairing after all. Just took a little (read: a LOT) of finagling. Inclusion, exclusion, rinse & repeat... but eventually all was well. (Mostly thanks to this and other Community posts, so thanks all).

Schlage FE496NX, which finally registered as a BE496 to answer your question.

Just make sure, if you had to do a lot of inclusion/exclusion, that you didn’t leave ghost devices floating around from failed pairings.