What can be done with date/time tiles?

Well you've got a long and interesting road ahead :slight_smile: I'll find a couple of links for you shortly.

If you want to have ultimate control of how your dashboards look, this will help with possibilities in the CSS space, amongst other posts around the Community.

Something that can really jump-start your dashboard experience is Smartly. It's had an "interesting" recent history, mostly with those involved in it's development. I don't personally know all the details, just wanted to mention it in case you make any mention of it elsewhere and get an odd response. Don't let that stop you diving in and taking a look.


No, that's the one, Tile Master 2. It takes a little bit to get used to and setup. There are a couple of options in that space, including SuperTile by cobra, but I find Tile Master 2 the most versatile. I'll find some examples of what I have done to give you an idea, though my UI skills are not the best.

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