What are some troubleshooting tips when there is no response from the hub?

The Hub was working perfectly yesterday and I have made no changes over night but now when opening the app I get the message "No response from Hub" and nothing is working.

I don't really know where to start?

I have unplugged and plugged in back in again. Taken it away, blown all the dust off it / out of it. Plugged the ethernet connection back in and then plugged the power in .... and waited ... and nothing.

What are the problem solving routes in this circumstance.

The route from the internet is .

Sky Broadband Router (currently running at 60Mbps)
Unifi Secure Gateway
HP 48 Port Switch (which has the APs and many other things off it - including the Hubitut Hub)

It has worked in this set up for several years.

Thanks in advance

Green LED Light?
What Hub? Do you remember what firmware?

Did you have the hub with a static IP on the hub itself, or DHCP reserved IP on the router, or neither?

Try doing a network reset: Network Setup | Hubitat Documentation After you let go of the button the LED will flash and then hub will reboot. Then try this site to find the hub after it comes back online: http://findmyhub.hubitat.com/

@bobbyD can we get something along the lines of my extra info above for the network reset added to the docs? Getting tired of typing it :wink:


Based on details provided, it sounds like the hub is no longer connected to the network. For basic network troubleshooting, please check out this document:

If you are seeing the "No response from Hub" in the Hubitat Mobile app, the problem may not be your network, but the fact that the mobile device is not connected to the same network as the hub.

Last but not least, if you confirmed that the problem is not related to your network, then you may be dealing with a database corruption. In that case a Soft Reset may be required. Check out the "Soft Reset" section in the following document:

Hi jtp10181, Thanks for your help with this. I will take note of all of your questions and make sure that I note them down for future. This way when the problem occurs again I will know what to look for.

The problem has now be resolved. I couldn't find the hub in the normal way so I completed a search on a laptop (rather than mobile) and when I got no join with this search, I switched to a search by MAC address using the number printed on the bottom of the C7. This managed to find the hub, but then it told me that the database is corrupted so recommended a Soft Reboot. I completed the Soft Reboot and then for good measure I recovered the backup from a couple of days ago (just in case the last backup was the corrupted one). This has been restored and now C7 is running properly. I have just ordered a C8 that I will receive tomorrow and will backup the database to that as soon as I arrive and store it safely so that I can swap it out if / when this happens again. Thanks for your quick help !!

Hi BobbyD,

Thanks for the links, they were very useful in getting my head around where to start in the event of the Hib not being found. It went right back to basics on my network and couldn't find anything ... I thought the Hub was bricked. But ...

The problem has now be resolved. I couldn't find the hub in the normal way so I completed a search on a laptop (rather than mobile) and when I got no join with this search, I switched to a search by MAC address using the number printed on the bottom of the C7. This managed to find the hub, but then it told me that the database is corrupted so recommended a Soft Reboot. I completed the Soft Reboot and then for good measure I recovered the backup from a couple of days ago (just in case the last backup was the corrupted one). This has been restored and now C7 is running properly. I have just ordered a C8 that I will receive tomorrow and will backup the database to that as soon as I arrive and store it safely so that I can swap it out if / when this happens again. Thanks for your quick help !!

In the process of checking out what went wrong I have wandered into the 'Logs' section and been viewing the 'Live logs' to check that things are working as planned (and they are).

But OMG ... I have a lot of rubbish going on. I will check out the logs and see if I can streamline the automation, the poor Hub is working hard all the time on silly things, I am sure there is a lot that I can save it from having to do.

Any tips on using the logs - can you download historic logs (i.e. to CSV) to review and search ?

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No I don’t think the logs can be exported.
You can go to past logs and then use the filters at the top. Not everything the hub necessarily gets logged either. Sometimes things are just overly chatty in the logs as well, and you may just want to turn the logging off for that app or device.

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There isn't an option to download the logs, but as a general rule, you'd want first to tackle any errors. The best way to start dissecting your past logs is to use the filters in the upper right, you can filter only errors and work your way through the log to resolve those first:

If you have a device that is putting a lot of things into the logs that you don't think you want/need to see, you can make changes on the individual Device pages:

  • Turn of Descriptive Text Logging
  • Turn off Debug logging

2023-04-17 09_30_18-Hubs, Network, & Tech
2023-04-17 09_30_13-Hubs, Network, & Tech

You can also turn off energy/power reporting in devices that do that, if you don't need the reporting.

Similarly, Apps also have logging options you can enable/disable.

Debug logging in many drivers/apps will auto-disable after a set period of time, but some will persist unless turned off.

Finally, unless you see warnings about hub load, etc., the normal level of logging you see is usually not an issue, and can be very helpful when some problem arises that you want to troubleshoot.

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