Wemo switch and insight smart plug

How to connect a Wemo Switch, Insight or motion in Hubitat with the @jason0x43 App and Drivers

1- Add your Wemo object in the official Wemo App and give it a name. This part MUST work before going to step 2.

1b- Not required but highly recommended : In your router, reserve the ip address of your Wemo device.

2- Select the driver for your device in this page and copy is code : https://github.com/jason0x43/hubitat/tree/master/drivers
Use the Raw button to copy only the code.

3- In Hubitat, Drivers Code, Click New Driver

4- Paste the Drivers code

5- Copy the App code at this link : https://github.com/jason0x43/hubitat/blob/master/apps/jason0x43-wemo_connect.groovy
Use the Raw button to copy only the code.

6- Paste it in Hubitat in, Apps Code, New App, Save

7- In Hubitat, Apps, click Add User App

8- Select the WeMo Connect App

9- WAIT WAIT It can take 50 secondes or more for all your device to show. The 0 found will change…

10- Now you need to be fast to select the device you want to add and hit Done. Auto-Refresh every 30 secondes

11- Your Wemo device must now be visible in the Devices menu

You can now use Hubitat or the Wemo App to control your device. Working since Hubitat V2.0.0.104 and always working in
I wanted to share with you what i just did.