Wemo Mini Outlets

So since changing routers I have not been successful in getting my wemo outlets to recognize. They had in the past using wemo connect.

So now i am trying your way, but no luck. Create virtual device as wemo switch with mac as network ID. Nothing. My wemo outlets do show up as connected via my router and work fine from the wemo app

I just tried this with my Hubitat and all of my WeMo devices. None of the devices are showing up in the Devices list.

If I go in to the WeMo App on the Hubitat and click on the gear icon, I can see that it sees some of the WeMo devices that I have, but I am not able to select anything at all to add the devices.

What am I missing to get this to work with my WeMo devices?

Just a note of thanks to @jason0x43 for the Wemo driver and app, I got all my mini smart plugs connected and showing up in Devices!

What kind of WeMo devices do you have?

I know this is rather old and I'm sure a solution has been found by now however I'm having an issue as where the is no "Next" Button and the wemo devices do not show up in "Devices Tab"

any thoughts?

Having just spent a while figuring this out, I think this post should be pinned:

also, It should be stated, when trying to add a wemo mini smart plug, you need to choose the wemo_switch driver.

@ReemyC There is no next. Once you select your device(s) click done. If they are not showing up in the device list confirm you have added the correct driver code. See the step-by-step linked in my other post.

@samplesl Unfortunately, that is the process I used to set this up. The WEMO Connect app finds my 7 devices, but no matter which one I try to add, they never show up in the Device List.

Its odd ... I have WeMo Connect, Wemo Dimmer, & Wemo Insight Switch all installed, but none of the items will show up in device list. Numerous standard wall switches and mini plugs.

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Update: I had to install three different drivers to get all of my devices to show up. Wemo Dimmer, Wemo Switch, & Wemo Insight Switch.

I also deleted all the Wemo Drivers/App, rebooted, and started over.

But everything did show up now.

@dan7 Glad you got it figured out. There were two things that tripped me up before I found that walk through.

  • Adding the App code in the "Apps Code" section in hubitat
  • Needing the Switch driver

I guess the second one makse sense if you think about it as you are really controlling a switch inside the plug, but still confusing. I wonder if the repo owner could update the readme. I think that is @jason0x43

Good call, that could definitely have used some instructions. I've updated the README. Let me know if more information would be helpful (or file an issue on the repo).

my entire system log is filled with this kind of events:
ssdpTerm urn:Belkin:device:controllee:1

anyway to turn it off?


So I've been using this for my dimmers, switches, and smart plugs for a while now and I just bought some new wemo mini smart plugs. For some reason the WeMo Connect app doesn't seem to be picking up these new devices. All the old ones work fine, I just can't find the new ones. It's been a while since I added a new WeMo device, but I do recall that earlier this year WeMo forced a new "WeMo Account" on me. Could this have broken the discovery? Or am I missing something entirely? I have the insight switch, dimmer, and switch drivers installed with all the latest versions.

So I attempted removing the wemo connect app and reinstalling. While that didn't fix the issue, it did show that all of the devices were re-discovered EXCEPT for the new WeMo Mini Plugs. I did notice that the hardware version on these is v4 (I thought v3 was the latest) so maybe something has changed in the way these are discovered? @jason0x43 I'm trying to look through your code now, but admittedly I'm not familiar with the WeMo devices and how to make calls to them correctly so I'm not having much luck on that end. If there's anything you can suggest I do to troubleshoot it would be appreciated.

So after a little more analysis it appears that these new plugs aren't responding on the same port as the previous ones. The old ones use port 49153, this one uses 49152. I was able to send a command to turn the wemo on/off on port 49152. My assumption is that for some reason the WeMo Connect app isn't hitting that port, but so far I haven't been able to really dig into the code to figure out why. Anyone have any thoughts before I try to dig into this?

I've been using this driver on and off for a while now for my Christmas lights. I noticed this year, although all the devices are working fine, my log is filled with these messages (see below). I've removed all devices and application then re-added, still the same problem.

any ideas?

app:33032020-12-08 08:05:10.124 pm errorjava.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "nu" on line 388 (childSubscribeIfNecessary)

app:33032020-12-08 08:05:02.703 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method getAt() on null object on line 393 (handleSsdpEvent)

app:33032020-12-08 08:05:00.162 pm errorjava.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "nu" on line 388 (childGetBinaryState)

app:33032020-12-08 08:05:00.143 pm errorjava.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "nu" on line 388 (childSyncTime)

app:33032020-12-08 08:05:00.112 pm errorjava.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "nu" on line 388 (childResubscribe)

app:33032020-12-08 08:00:10.155 pm errorjava.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "nu" on line 388 (childSubscribeIfNecessary)

app:33032020-12-08 08:00:05.966 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method getAt() on null object on line 393 (handleSsdpEvent)

I've been using the wemo connect app in my hubitat for a while and its been great, but as of maybe 2 or 3 days ago my automations stopped working. Finally got to take a look at the app and I've been getting the same errors as the post above me.

In addition I can't open the app and just run into this error:

Unexpected Error

An unexpected error has occurred trying to load the app. Check [Logs] for more information.

Error: Cannot invoke method getAt() on null object

The connect app only recognizes a particular set of Wemo devices (the ones with drivers that have been tested):

So the first step is to figure out what the deviceType for the smart plug is and make sure it's in that list.

Hmmm...nothing has changed in the Connect code or drivers for a while now, and nothing in any of the Wemo code calls getAt. Was there anything more detailed in the logs?

According to the setup.xml on the device the device type is <deviceType>urn:Belkin:device:controllee:1</deviceType>