Wemo Bulbs

Looking for advice on using Wemo bulbs in Hubitat. While the generic zigbee bulb driver works to turn the bulbs on and dim them, turning the bulbs off is an issue. They turnoff, but Hubitat doesn’t seem to understand that they’re off.

Wondering if someone has already solved this issue or has any suggestions. Thanks.

Hey Rob,
Welcome. I have 4 wemo bulbs in my setup. When I get home i'll check what driver they are using. I just have them all grouped and a virtual switch controlling them all.

They should work on the Generic driver. Try resetting the bulbs, that seems to have done the trick for others.

o physically reset the Belkin WeMo bulb

  1. Start with the bulb ON
  2. Turn OFF the bulb for 1 second
  3. Turn ON the bulb for 3-4 seconds
  4. Turn OFF the bulb for 1 second
  5. Turn ON the bulb for 3-4 seconds
  6. Turn OFF the bulb for 1 second
  7. Turn ON the bulb
  8. Wait until the bulb begins to blink (after about 5 seconds)

Then go into Devices => Discover Devices =>Zigbee


Thanks. Since the bulbs came from a Lightify hub, I needed to reset to move them onto the Hubitat hub — but I’ll try again.

The main issues are with both Dashboard and Alexa detecting that the light is off. It’s the same for all my Wemo bulbs.

When you paired these bulbs, were they discovered as a just a "device", requiring you to manually assign a driver to them? If yes, did you press the CONFIGURE button in each bulb's device details page on your Hubitat hub? Doing so sends status reporting configuration commands to the bulb, which tells it how to report status updates to the hub.


Thanks, @ogiewon, I’ll try that with a new registration this weekend and report on results.

Thanks for your suggestions. Unfortunately, I seem to get the same behavior from my Wemo bulb in every case:
TURN ON: Turns on immediately, HE senses bulb is on (state changes to ON).
TURN OFF: Slowly fades to off. HE does not sense that bulb is off. If I turn bulb off again (via device settings, dashboard, etc.) about 1-2 seconds or more after the bulb is off, then HE will change bulb state to OFF.

Using CONFIGURE makes no difference. Using bulb type "Generic Zigbee Bulb" and "Generic Zigbee CT Bulb (dev)" makes no difference.

I suspect this has something to do with the bulb's slow fade to OFF, but have no proof. Is there a way to accelerate the fade? (FYI, I tried to use the "Transition Time" selector in the "CT" driver to reduce transition time, but it only reduced the turn on time ... turn off duration did not lessen.)

This sounds like a great question for @mike.maxwell. I am all out of ideas! :wink:

OK well, so the driver configuration isn't appropriate for this bulb, which also means the typical zigbee command and reporting configurations don't work (for reasons unknown)...

This shouldn't be too surprising given these are not in our tested devices list.

The only other driver you could try is the Sengled Classic, no idea if it will work any better, be sure to click configure after changing over to it.

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Thanks, @mike.maxwell and @ogiewon. With Sengled Element Classic, I can change state but no state change is recognized. I understand the bulb is not tested and supported, so I'll give up for now. Thanks for all of the ideas!

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Not sure if this is kosher or not, but I took the ST DTH for Wemo Bulbs. Works fine in HE with no changes. And the bulb status is updated just like it should be.

EDIT: Made a mistake here. I was using the Wemo Bulb DTH, but changed to the Zigbee Dimmer STH from ST. The Wemo one had a little issue with level setting.

Sorry, I’m confused: can you possibly provide a link to the driver you’re using successfully? Thanks.

This is in the ST public GitHub. Which states it is open source, so I think it's ok to use. There is one thing in the DTH you have to modify for HE. Can't remember the line but you have to change phsicalgraph to hubitat. I think that's it.

Here's the link,

Did you try that driver?

Just to chime in, I had 4 of these bulbs and they were messing up my zigbee mesh really badly. I removed them and my zigbee mesh has been bulletproof since then.

I can confirm that this works for my Wemo bulbs on Hubitat.
Renaming physicalgraph to Hubitat was all that was required.

The polling seems to work correctly and the dash recognises that a bulb is off after the first press.

Also, I enjoy how the Wemo bulbs on hubitat fade between dimmer settings unlike the hard changes on SmartThings.

Also the bulb power cycle recovery time is stellar compared to SmartThings.

When they lose power on SmartThings, they often took up to half an hour to regain zigbee connection, hubitat seems to be under a minute.

@j715 I just wanted you to know that I saw and followed your instructions and I have 4 Wemo Smart LED bulbs up and working flawlessly. These bulbs work faster then connected to the Wemo link for the bulbs. Thank you for the time I did not have to waste to figure this out.

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Just in case another newbie is trying to use this driver - which seems to work perfectly for me -
On Line 167 change physicalgraph to hubitat
I had to use lowercase hubitat, when I tried uppercase it gave me an error.

Thanks to everyone for such great help. FYI, I stopped using my Wemo bulbs because I was having issues with unreliable zigbee repeaters -- an issue that disappeared when I replaced them with Sengled Element Classic bulbs.