Hi, I have a couple questions. I'm currently using HPM webcore (I didn't realize there was even a built-in app now until just recently).
What is the difference between these, and which should I be using? If I should migrate, is there any instructions available?
On my WebCore right now, I thought I remembered that I could literally write some basic code that would work in here myself. For example, I want to do only a mildly more advanced if statement comparison but for the life of me I can't figure it out: When (outsideAirTemp+5F) is less than inside air temp, do something. However I cannot do OutsideAirTemp+5 in a variable, or in an IF evaluation, and I can't type anything custom... any ideas here?
To answer the first part of your question, the Community version of webCoRE may at times be 1 rev ahead of the built-in depending on where HE is in testing a release. Migrating is pretty much doing a Piston Backup, deinstalling the Community edition, install built-in, reselect the appropriate devices, restore Piston backup.