Anyone else having issues with WebCore and presence? I couldn't register a new browser then Ady (WebCore Developer) said a disk was full. After he resolved that I could register a new browser but now my WebCore presence is NOT working. I can get in the Webcore app and I can see my home is set but it is not updating location. I have reset security tokens, logged in and out several times but not sure what else to do.
UPDATE: Ugh even worse now.. I thought I would just delete and reinstall the APP but it is no longer in the App store.
I have never been able to get Hubitat app to work on any other member of my family phones. I tried to do invites and they never received them so I gave up and Webcore was rock solid with their app and presence for years.
I used OwnTracks on Android devices and Geofency on iOS. It's rock solid. Both give the option of multiple locations etc. When paired with node-red, either one can be used with irregularly shaped geofences.