Webcore Piston restore


Is it possible to restore my piston which I accidentally deleted?
All my pistons have backup turned on but I no longer see my deleted piston.
Is there any way to restore it?

If you have a hub database backup from the time when the piston existed, it is just an app that is stored on your hub along with apps and other settings that would be in this backup. So restoring that would work -- and even if such a backup is father back than you actually want to go (unlikely if this was a recent change for you since there is a nightly backup by default plus one on every reboot), you could just use it to get the piston, re-restore your current backup, and then re-import or re-create the piston.

I did it exactly that way.
But thank for response

From your response, I'm not sure if you meant that this did or didn't work. :slight_smile:

If it didn't work, I suspect we are talking about different things. A hub database backup -- entirely unrelated to webCoRE aside from the fact that it's just another app installed on your hub that would be included in this backup (not anything inside webCoRE itself as in your original post) -- should do the trick if not. More details are in the link I posted.

Good luck!

Yes it helped, sorry