Webcore on Hubitat or Rasberry pi

Didn’t have to wait too long! Here is the official announcement. This is great news for all webCoRE users!


Forgive this OT walk down memory lane. It was interesting, back in the day, to see how Adrian was first scoffed at by the ST community, then revered.

I recall even the eminent @JDRoberts being a skeptic.


Well, you appear to have taken things completely out of context with the above post. At this particular point in time (2016), Adrian was simply suggesting an enhancement to Rule Machine. Bruce appeared to be genuinely curious to see what Adrian would come up with.

Here is a link to the full discussion between Adrian and Bruce back in 2016, regarding Rule Machine back in the SmartThings days.


I wasn't saying Bruce was a skeptic. AFAIK, Bruce and Adrian have always exhibited mutual respect for each other and their projects. But, when Adrian was throwing out ideas for CoRE, there were a lot of skeptics who didn't think he could live up to his boasts.

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That's because he still hates Mondays...


It was awesome seeing both Bruce and Adrian roll up their sleeves and get cracking at making home automation smarter. Their speed of slinging code was fun to watch. I personally learned a lot from both of them.


True, your post called out JD specifically as a skeptic.

But you did say Adrian was scoffed at by the ST community followed immediately by a screenshot of an old post from Bruce. In a thread about WebCoRE.

Without Dan’s clarification explaining the context, the post reads as so grossly misleading that it seems deliberate, IMHO, though I acknowledge it apparently was not.



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