Webcore seems to have a nice feature to display data for all devices selected in "long term storage" and I was wondering if it is possible to change the name of the devices from a numerical value to actual name of device please?
Ooh that is confusing to look at. I did not realize that LTS was exposed as fuel streams, that's handy. I've always used the configurable graphs in the webCoRE app which allow custom labels but that requires a lot of setup.
@nh.schottfam it looks like the data is { i: '1152_power', n: '1152_power', ...} so you might be able to get away with just backend changes to populate a display name in that n property.
Thank you guys!
It would be really great if you can make the necessary changes to display the device names.
This will complement Hubitat and graphing requirements quite well for a newbie like me; I am in the process of moving all graphs from Hubigraph to Webcore as it seems to be lighter on CPU usage, and LTS fuel streams are really handy.
Also, I really can't get my head around InfluxDB and Grafana, so this will be great!