webCoRE - help playing nicely with Ecobee Suite

Using webCoRE with Ecobee Suite (Ver. 1.9.xx). Two issues have been observed when selecting a program to run (e.g. Home, Away, Sleep). Hoping that there may be a path to resolve and tagging @nh.schottfam as the resident guru. Please let me know if I can be of assistance with any additional information.

Hold Hours = 0 or null does not return a valid value. An example HE log is found in the Ecobee Suite thread linked here.
In my case, I had similar results with Hold Type = indefinite. I tried everything that i could think of, but the result was always the decimal value 0.0.

The issue above has a workaround for Sleep (using asleep() command) and Away (using away() command). It appears that Home (using home() command) is not presented, as shown in the Ecobee Thread linked here.

I made a workaround in the driver to indefinitely set any standard or custom program, as shown in the Ecobee Thread linked here. This is not a great permanent fix, since it will be lost when I update Ecobee Suite via HPM.