webCore does not load the page

Hi all,

I would like to ask for assistance regarding of my webCore that stop running today. Yesterday it was running fine without any issues.
When I login to the webCoRE Dashboard I'm getting the below notification and empty page will load out without my pistons.
Thanks in Advance

"There was a problem loading the dashboard data. The data shown below may be outdated; please log out if this problem persists.”

Few things to try:


  • clear your browser cache; exit browser, restart and connect to your webcore server

If that does not work

  • go into HE console -> apps -> webcore
    • then hit done; wait 30sec - minute; then repeat try1


  • reboot your Hubitat; wait few minutes after reboot for it settle its DB;
  • repeat try 1
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hi @nh.schottfam
"Try2" temporary fixed the issue and I was able to open webcore with pistons but I wasn't able to open/edit any of them and also there was a message flashing message "There was a problem loading the dashboard data. The data shown below may be outdated; please log out if this problem persists.”
I was just able to create a new piston and save it but not possible to reopen it nor backup.
When I logged out and login back webcore does not ask for password and it just load the empty web without pistons so issue still persist :frowning:
Last time (yesterday) it was working fine without any issues. Pistons seems to be running fine as all automation working.

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