Web Interface error message

Hubitat Elevation® Platform Version

Hardware Version
Rev C-4

Hubitat stopped automation
Opened web interface and was presented:

HTTP ERROR 500 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace

URI: /
MESSAGE: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace
CAUSED BY: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace

Caused by:

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace

Powered by Jetty:// 9.4.31.v20200723

Power cycle hub and it is working fine.

Sounds like something filled-up your memory. It might be an app you installed recently?

Thanks, nothing new installed, only 6 apps, last update was 12-10-20.
Any logs or memory usage I can check to help track it down?

I’m sure there are, but am not familiar with them. I’ll let someone else chime in on that one...

I have the same issue. I also did not install anything recently. Any news on what may cause this?

This looks like an older hub with a lot of things on it that has been running without a reboot for over a month. Busy systems produce memory leaks, and while we've worked (and are working) to minimize them, such leaks add up over time. The cure is having a scheduled reboot; once a week should work.

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I have a reboot scheduled every Sunday middle of the night on my 2 production hubs, one of which has 480 devices (real and virtual) and many, many apps and rules. It does the trick!

Thanks. I added the scheduled reboot to my hub.

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How do you reboot at a certain time?
I found I can do something on a certain time and date, and repeat annually. But haven't found "weekly".

And not sure where the reboot action is...

Hmm, I found the trigger "days of week", but my attempt at action "" didn't work, I'll see if I can get the rebooter app..

It is a 3rd party app. Solves issues that crop up from running too long without a reboot.

Thanks, I tried a rebooter, I think it was that one. Copied the code into the script screen. But it didn't seem to work. I'd set it to reboot, but it didn't reboot.
Now I'm chasing a problem that no actions for which I select a "delay" actually do anything now. I deleted rebooter in case that was the problem but it doesn't seem to be....