Weather driver


I am trying to find a weather driver to use with Weather tile.
installed "Weatherstack Weather Driver" from:

created a device using a working API key.
but the tile does not get update.

I enabled debug for the driver, and I can see that it gets data from

dev:2642021-03-14 17:24:16.410 debug>>>>> api: returned - [request:[type:LatLon, query:Lat 40.97 and Lon 29.10, language:en, unit:m], location:[name:Goztepe, country:Turkey, region:Istanbul, lat:40.967, lon:29.100, timezone_id:Europe/Istanbul, localtime:2021-03-14 17:24, localtime_epoch:1615742640, utc_offset:3.0], current:[observation_time:02:24 PM, temperature:17, weather_code:113, weather_icons:[], weather_descriptions:[Sunny], wind_speed:13, wind_degree:240, wind_dir:WSW, pressure:1012, precip:0, humidity:36, cloudcover:0, feelslike:17, uv_index:5, visibility:10, is_day:yes]]

dev:2642021-03-14 17:24:16.393 debug[request:[type:LatLon, query:Lat 40.97 and Lon 29.10, language:en, unit:m], location:[name:Goztepe, country:Turkey, region:Istanbul, lat:40.967, lon:29.100, timezone_id:Europe/Istanbul, localtime:2021-03-14 17:24, localtime_epoch:1615742640, utc_offset:3.0], current:[observation_time:02:24 PM, temperature:17, weather_code:113, weather_icons:[], weather_descriptions:[Sunny], wind_speed:13, wind_degree:240, wind_dir:WSW, pressure:1012, precip:0, humidity:36, cloudcover:0, feelslike:17, uv_index:5, visibility:10, is_day:yes]]

what am I missing ?

is there a better driver that I can use ?

I've had great luck with...

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+1 on the OpenWeatherMap recommendation.

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I checked my old apps for Smartthings hub. They mostly used a built-in command "getTwcForecast()"

is there such built-in weather service for Hubitat ?
I guess no, since everybody is using 3rd party services. But in any case I just wanted to ask before starting to integrate with anything else.