Watts / Tekmar Thermostat Intergration

Hi! I'm not seeing anything terribly recent and wondering if anyone has made a Tekmar Thermostat (561) work with Hubitat?

I didn't realize that these little buggers are expansive! It's controlling the radiant floor heat in our bonus room, and "smart" via an app.

Any thoughts? Thanks everyone!

Looks like it’s a WiFi device so, unless there is an API, nothing direct. Could possibly get some functionality by creating a virtual thermostat and then using Alexa or Google Home routines to mimic the virtual to the real and vice versa.

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Thanks, I figured. Never hurts to check!

I reached out to them a while back. They don't seem to care about home automation in general. They have no plans to integrate with Hubitat, HA, Crestron or anything else.

It's a shame bc the Tekmar 564 thermostat could be retrofitted to soooo many different systems. You only need 2 wires from the stat to the handler interface. So any VRV or VRF system or any old thermostat with only 3 or 4 wires could be upgraded to current technology without ripping your house apart.

My entire journey in HA started with Tekmar. I had a Tekmar boiler control system for in-floor heat. For that, there was an available interface that made control of the Tekmar system via relay closure possible. I added a ControlByWeb relay, and some home grown software, and gained control of the entire system that way.


Yeah, for the older non-cloud devices there is an interface and available controls. For the new stuff ... no dice.

HVAC companies are among the worst at this, wanting to push proprietary interfaces, abandon standards, etc., and the net loser is the homeowner. These companies don't sell direct to consumers, and the HVAC contractors who buy from them are like the blind leading the blind. It's frustrating; there is no leadership at all in that industry.