Water sensor issue with battery value

I have this water sensor that I bought at AliExpress around a year ago.

It works ok, but erroneous reports the battery value to 200.

I have tried with different drivers and the one that works best is this one,

And the values I get on the device page are the following ones,

Is there a solution for this?

Edit: all other drivers that I have tried reported the same battery 200 value.

I will look at this later this week, thank you for posting the device details.

The battery reporting is an issue for many brands, not just Tuya - some report in the 0..200 range (this is the ZCL standard!), some in 0...100 range, others report only when they want in a 'special' format... :frowning: There are standards, but many manufacturers do not follow them, unfortunately.


I have some important information that might be useful.

I have another water sensor that is physically identical but doesn’t behave as the other one mentioned.

Here are the data I have from the second one.

(I only have two)

And here are the values I get from this one,


I know this might be confusing.

Please let me know if you need any particular information from either one.

FYI, my Water Sensor device working on the “Tuya Neo Coolcam…” driver quit working, and I had to change it to “Generic Zigbee Motion Sensor “ and now it’s working again, but still reports Battery value of 200.
I suspect you modified the Tuya Neo driver and it quit recognizing my Water Moisture device,
Please let me know when you work on the driver to fix this Battery 200 problem.
Thanks for your support

I have not made modifications recently... Something else is going on.

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