Was ActionTiles removed?

I have been using ActionTiles since my ST things. I haven't had time to do much with Hubitat over the last couple of months but when I returned to Hubitat, the ActionTile app was missing. And I can't find it to re-install in either Package Manager nor "built-in App". So, is ActionTiles now no longer supported or gone... or am I missing something really dumb?


I don’t think ActionTiles was ever considered supported, or a built-in app…

What process did you use to add ActionTiles previously?

Never used it myself but believe you add it from your ActionTiles account:

I haven’t used SmartTiles/ActionTiles in a long time, but isn’t there a Hubitat app (or maybe maker api instance?) that gets installed to allow for the AT dashboard to interact with the hub?

From what I recall on SmartThings the app code was installed by AT so assume the same thing happens on HE. But honestly not sure. I still have a SmartTiles instance running on my HE :rofl:

Almost feels easier to use the existing built-in options... :wink: Just my 2c.... Admittedly that is the premise of the OP... But using the built-in options does offer a level of support and continuity.... But you will need to likely seek out some Community-supported display enhancements,

I started using ActionTiles right away when I began using Hubitat... about 3 years now. I honestly don't remember how I installed the app... I thought it was a built-in App but it could have been Hubitat Manager. I'm sure it wasn't GitHub. And I had an App called "ActionTiles". It was that app where I select which sensors I wanted to include with ActionTiles. But you also do have to link your Hubitat to the ActionTile portal as well. Any case, ActionTiles is now missing and I'm wondering if I should then either move on or restore an older backup of hubitat?!?!?

No, you should do what was suggested above. The app gets added to your hub after linking to your Hubitat account and hub from ActionTiles; the process is not initiated from the Hubitat hub, hence the app does not show in the "Add Built In App" list on your hub (but will be automatically installed as part of this process):

This is assuming you're looking to do a new install. Are you saying an installed instance of the app disappeared from your hub? That would be unusual, but it's one possible outcome of database corruption...

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My mistake, the integration on Hubitat’s end was included in the hub firmware. So all that’s needed is to authorize an oauth connection to the hub through the actiontiles website.

Generally speaking, once an instance of an app is installed on a user’s hub, it doesn’t disappear.

Are you sure you didn’t remove it?

Regardless, the instructions mentioned above still work, I just confirmed by adding my hub to my actiontiles account.


I started using Actiontiles years ago when I had a Samsung Smartthings hub. When Samsung backed away from supporting the platform, I switched to Hubitat, starting with the C7 hub. Actiontiles released a beta version supporting Hubitat and Hubitat released an ActionTiles integration app. Originally, ActionTiles was supposed to develop into a full release, but four plus years later, that has not happened.

Since my initial entry into Hubitat, I upgraded to the C8 hub. I had to rewrite all my ActionTiles panels as the beta version of AT provides no means of migration. Recently I upgraded to the C8 Pro hub. I was able to enter my ActionTiles account and link to the new C8 Pro hub. I have yet to spend the time developing the new panels needed to access the new Hubitat hub.

I have no idea whether a prospective new user can set up a new ActionTiles account for Hubitat, but presumably that can be done. I just have a hard time recommending a platform that has not been updated in over four years. For those interested, however, the beta version does work for all the basic stuff.

Positive... I've been using ActionTiles as the app for my Android tablet Kiosks since I've installed Hubitat years ago. The ActionTile app in Hubitat allowed me within Hubitat to select which devices are available to ActionTiles, but I now see that I can also do that within ActionTiles portal as well so I really don't need the Hubitat App... There are a couple of things about ActionTiles that find that Hubitat doesn't do or doesn't do easier than ActionTiles... hence the reason I still use it. But I know it's just a matter of time that I'll be forced to move away from it... @rwclements228 ... I too wouldn't recommend new users to it... but I'm not a new user and I have over the years created multiple panels in ActionTiles that I still use today. Moving and re-creating those panels in another system just isn't something I'm looking forward too.

Yeah. I like the ActionTiles interface, but having to recreate new set of panels when upgrading from SmartThings to C7 to C8 to C8 Pro is a pain. I am quite saddened that development of the platform for Hubitat users ceased. I am glad that the beta still functions and they did not drop server support.

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My understanding of the ActionTiles situation is that one of the founders died and now there is some kind of lawsuit over the operation which has suspended development. I really like the system... it is a shame if it never recovers but going on several years now without any updates, the system is getting dated. But I think the ActionTiles people there are hoping to be able to resolve these issues and continue but... time marches on and who knows if they can or will ever recover. I also like Hubitat's community HD+ system... might just have set aside a couple of hours and re-do the panels in that system.

I hadn’t heard that part. I’m curious where you learned that?

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I've read about one of the founders dying and the lawsuits on different forums over the years. I've heard (read) it talked on different forums but where specifically, I can't remember. If I recall correctly, someone here also in this forum mentions this on some ActionTiles issue in the past. But I've read about it in multiple forums.

Yes, that much is definitely true. His name was Terry, he died in 2019.

What I’m curious about is whether some legal issue related to his estate has actually put the brakes on ActionTiles development, or if that part is conjecture (“I heard from a guy, who heard from a guy…”) :slightly_smiling_face:.

Yea... that's exactly true. Word of mouth on forums... IE of one example, Actiontiles and Hubitat - :bellhop_bell: Get Help - Hubitat ... the last comment on the thread

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Alex, one of the ActionTiles cofounders, stated on the ActionTiles forum that there were some legal issues after the death of Terry, another of the cofounders. I have no idea of the type of extent of these issues, but it is not that surprising.

In any small business or partnership, having definitive plans for succession in the event of the death or incapacity of a principal is critical. However, like many families who fail to establish wills and trusts, it is easy for small businesses to overlook planning for the death of one partner. That can lead to all kinds of issues when a death occurs. The heirs of the deceased could well demand a say in the business or could demand that the remaining partners buy out their share. Even if there were signed documents for succession, the deceased heirs might challenge these documents in court.

Reminder- If you have not established your own estate plans, please do so.

Another thing that hampered development of ActionTiles for Hubitat was the infrastructure change for SmartThings. The original platform was based on Groovy. When Samsung moved away from Groovy, ActionTiles had to spend all their resources on modifying the SmartThings integration to support paying customers. Since Hubitat beta users are not paying customers, little effort was made in enhancing the Hubitat integration.


as of today, my actiontiles doesnt work anymore.
it updates the devices status (if the light is on or off, temperature measurement, motion detection), but i cant turn a light on or off..

anyone else in the same boat?
is there a way to fix it?