Wallmote Quad Battery Life

With my migration from ST to HE I chose to use a Aeotec Wallmote Quad I had laying around never used. I linked just fine to Hubitat using their standard Aeotec Wallmote driver. It function great with one exception. The battery life is about 2 weeks. That is just not going to be functional in the long run.

Research on the web suggests that it should be about 3 months of normal use. This device gets used maybe 3 times per day. I also have a notifier set up to monitor the battery which seems to check the battery once per day, so there shouldn't be a lot of polling going on here, or so I assume.

Anyone have one of these? What is your battery life. any suggestions? I opened a ticket with Aeotec.


I have two of them. I barely use them anymore but the battery life would seem to be in the 3 month range.

I have one mounted to the wall about a foot away. The plate is attached to the wall via 3m Command strips.

I bought them because (prior to Hubitat) I used Pico Remotes but I thought I'd be losing those and started looking for alternatives. After discovering Hubitat 18 months (or more) ago, my need for the wallmotes fell away as did my commitment to recharge them :slight_smile:

One of them, the one NOT mounted anywhere, is battery dead due to lack of interest :frowning:

Yes I set it up temporarily to handle 4 functions in the MBR while I was converting from ST the HE. I did the dashboards last and now have the one on the panel in the MBR working so I hope I can wean my wife off of the wall mote. She likes it because it is more simple and doesn't require reading. I think the problem is that I need to dramatically simplify the panel dashboard so she finds it easier to use and read from a distance without her glasses. That may increase my WAF.

I just want to know if there is anything I can do about this for possible future use. if I only get 2 weeks, it is pretty non-functional to me. 3 months would be minimally acceptable for some applications.

EDIT: Aeotec is telling me to "Set the wakeup interval to 86400 which will definitely help with its battery life (some gateways set this to 3600 seconds which may be too much)." does anybody know how to do this?


You change the driver to be

and set the parameter(s)

Then switch back to the regular driver.

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Did you have to do this change to get the battery life you are experiencing (3 mos.)? this seems a bit kludgy to me.


No, but mine are years old.. maybe back then that was the default.

So how do i know what the parameter number, size and value should be. I assume the value would be 86400 but the others I can't find.


The engineering spec doesn't offer a parameter number -- odd. It does however, offer:


I bought a Wallmote about 3 weeks ago. Have it mounted right above a Z-Wave switch in my bedroom. At first I was only getting about 4 days before the battery needed to be recharged. I excluded the Wallmote for HE and then included it again. Now I am getting about 6 days between recharges. Charging takes at least 4 or 5 hours using a standard USB wall charger. Definitely not usable when I need to recharge that frequently.

I also was going to change that parameter, but cannot find either.

That manual has similar, obscure, instructions for beep and vibrate. I tried them on mine and was able to toggle beep and vibrate. The problem with Toggle is you may not know what the current condition is and toggling it, followed by wait and see.

The Wallmote flashes orange when it wakes up.


I fully recharged one of my Wallmotes on Oct 24th

It's now Dec 2 and the device is still functioning.. not that 5 weeks is close to the spec, but it's way more than 5 days :smiley:

Bumping this topic , did we find an answer on battery ? I have mine coming in the mail tomorrow

Is it possible to be notified when the battery is running low ?

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