Voice command with Google Home

I am so lost and cannot believe I cannot find something this simple.

I am coming from a frustrating Smartthings integration and am so far happy with how much easier Hubitat is to register devices, including to my Google Home. However, the next step, telling the lights to turn off by voice is stumping me.

I have added two switches to Hubitat, I can see them in my Google Home, but when I say “Hey Google, turn off kitchen”, it responds that it can’t connect to my smartthings. I have unplugged the smartthings and it doesn’t show up in Google Home Devices.

How, exactly, can I get it so I can say “turn off kitchen and have the kitchen lights turn off?”

Firstly remove smart things from your alexa (do this through the alxea app on your phone)

Install the alexa app on hubitat through built in apps and the Hubitat skill on your alexa through your alexa phone app.

In the alexa skill on hubitat expose what devices you want.

Just going through the steps for you to make sure you didn't miss anything when you initially set it up

...was this intended to read, 'and the Hubitat skill on your Alexa'?

Yes, corrected.

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HE works best with a static IP. I also came from ST and used to hear this message when the HE hub had a dynamic IP.

This is something you need to change in your router settings.

I read it the way you intended it. Hmm. Had to go back and re-read it.

And to think I got an A in the Evelyn Wood speed reading class in high school.


This is a Google Home, not an Alexa. I don't see the Smartthings link in my Google Home app.

What is the voice command I should be using? Should "Turn off the Kitchen" work?

Doh! I meant google... geez.. so the lightswitch is named Kitchen and you've exposed that via the google home app in Hubitat? It should be just Hey Google, turn on/off kitchen. Can you post your google home integration screen on the hubitat side? (where the devices are exposed to hubitat)

Here are the devices, but I don't see any option for the rooms.

It doesn't do rooms. You will need to say, hey google, turn off kitchen sink left or right

What you can do is create a virtual switch called kitchen that would activate a group with those 2 lights on it then it would turn it off/on.


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