Virtual Thermostat Temp update app won't create child on a C7

I had this working on my old c4 and I copied my DB from the C4 to the C7. My thermostats weren't working so I decided to wipe them out and recreate them. When I try to create a new child using the parent I get an error:

Error 404
App type not found for namespace: napalmcsr and name: Virtual Thermostat Temperature Update Child
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Is this not compatible with a C7?

This should have come along with your database backup, but is it possible you're missing some of the custom "Apps Code" that was on your old hub? Check there on both to see (or at least the new one; you should be able to find this code here, or wherever you got it from, again if needed).


Yeah it was there on the old c4 and on the new c7. I even deleted all the thermostats and made two new ones with Advanced Thermostat and they work