Virtual Thermostat Device - show dashboard temperature adjustments with user defined modes

Using virtual thermostats to control five Fujitsu mini-splits. The mini-splits have a temperature controlled "Dry" mode that was added to the HE virtual device using the "Set Supported Modes" command with [auto, cool, dry, emergency heat, heat, off].

The issue is when using the Virtual Thermostat device on a dashboard, the temperature controls disappear when mode = Dry. Kindly modify the Virtual Thermostat code to show the temperature controls when a user defined mode is selected, or perhaps when mode is not "Off".


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Or any thermostat.... I have DRY mode for my Mitsubishi Air Conditioner, where I can still control the temperature on the physical controller in my hallway or through their official app, would be nice to see this on the standard thermostat dashboard template.

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Update: Dry mode should display and modify the Cool temperature setting. Perhaps it's best to show both the heat and cool settings on user defined modes.

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I could appreciate if it was seen as "problematic" for choosing what to do for user-defined modes. Allowing access to both may be the half-way point that is required.... but I'm not sure....

Correct, showing both temperatures avoids additional PITA code and settings needed to define and set which temperature to adjust.

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