Virtual temp sensor with Fahrenheit conversion


I would like to create a virtual tempsensor that reads the temperature of my outdoor tempsensor (all my devices and hub are set to C), and displays that temperature in Fahrenheit.

I was able to create a virtual temperature sensor and populate the parameter with RM, however the C to F conversion got me stuck..

Wondering if there is an easy way to make that conversion?

If you have access to the groovy code it’s as easy as

tempF = celsiusToFahrenheit(tempC)

I would use a local variable plus the variable math operators in Rule Machine to calculate the value before setting it, then set the virtual device value to that.


Thanks both!
Groovy is out of my knowledge...but managed to put together a chain of math operators!

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Hi @johnr - I am doing the same thing right now. Could you post your rules as I would like to copy them. Thanks.

Again, probably not the most efficient way to do it, but works.