Virtual Panic Button

Personally, I would not use the alarm directly in the rule. Instead, what you want to do is add your virtual contact to HSM in whatever modes you want to use the panic for. Then in Rule machine, when the button is pressed you would do this, using the custom action where appropriate:

Open Virtual Contact sensor
Delay actions by 10 seconds
Close Virtual Contact Sensor

This would also prevent the alarm form being retriggered for 10 seconds should it register more than one button press. Again, this would only trigger the alarm if it was armed to one of the states that you want to use the button in.

Thank you for all the great help. Honestly, I was still confused because I couldn't figure out how to create the Open Contact sensor. I finally just tried all the selections available until I discovered Run Custom Action. If someone had mentioned Custom Actions a week ago I would have saved myself a lot of headaches, but, I guess it is true the old dogs CAN learn new tricks. Got it all set up and working great.
and of course once I learned to use Run Custom Actions it was so simple. Thank you again.

3 days ago.... :slight_smile: