Virtual Device triggered on HTTP PUT request

I'm looking for something that can trigger on HTTP request received by HE. The shelly Flood sensor can send an HTTP request when flood detected, and when flood resolved. The device sleeps until water is detected, so no need for any tight integration. I can see this ability coming in handy for other things as well. I found virtual devices that can send their own HTTP requests, but in this case, it needs to listen, rather than send.

Might be easier to use an RM endpoint

Thanks for the hint. I knew there had to be a way but I ran out of ideas.

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Very simple with RM. I also found that there's a new RM, so it's a win-win.

I don't see a way to retrieve the endpoint URL after it's created, so I put it in the "Notes" field. I figure this may same some trouble down the line.

@ray_j_patterson I didn't know about these endpoints and will use them. So glad you asked and @thebearmay answered. Regarding how to find the endpoint URL later, your idea of using Notes is great but also I found the URL here:

P.S. between 1 and 2 above might need to Edit Trigger Event:

@ha_migrant i donโ€™t think you can capture once created. I think your example is showing a new endpoint. I got a new link each time I did that. It can be frustrating, but itโ€™s a common notion in other technologies when creating tokens and signatures. I thought this might be the case so I made notes even the first time I tried it. There may be a more elegant way, but I ended up making 5 entities: 1. Virtual switch to maintain the state of the water sensor, 2. RM to turn on virtual switch, 3. RM to turn off virtual switch. 4. Notification when virtual switch turned on. 5. Notification when virtual switch turned off. Right now it just texts my phone, but I plan to update to use my siren.

@ha_migrant I went back in and see that I was wrong. I was able to get the link later. Not sure what I was doing before that was getting a new link each time.