Virtual 3-Way Zooz Dimmers too slow

Hi Everyone,

Got a question regarding 3-Way Smart Dimmers that seems to bug me when they don't work like I expect them to.

Some background and what I was expecting

  • At my main home I am using Insteon switches with Universal-Devices Hub and my dimmers work flawlessly. I can adjust any 3-way dimmer and it instantaneously dims/brightens the light.

My Secondary Home

  • I am using the latest Zooz Zen dimmers in 3-way configuration (master and slaves) with a Hubitat C8 Hub, latest updates.

I used these direction to link them all up and set up virtual 3-way: How To Program 2 Zooz Switches In a Virtual 3-Way With Regular Bulbs - Zooz Support Center (

Using dimming on the 'slaves' basically just doesn't work because there's, I'm guessing, a delay to the master controller switch. So I always have to remember which switch is the controller (which I tend to forget) and have to dim/brighten that way. Wife obviously hates it.

I also had help in this post of mine: Proper 3-Way Switch Configuration Help - :bellhop_bell: Get Help / Integrations - Hubitat

I thought it was working but after using it a lot, I found that not really. Anyone know if this is 'just how it is' and to deal with it or just that the Zooz Dimmers are this way and there are others I could use that are instantaneous and work correctly? Things that make you go hmm.... Thanks all!

So, you're using direct association?
How many switches are involved?

If you are using associations, please show all relevant settings from the device page. I would assume you are using my driver?

I have probably 5 areas in 3-way configurations.

Here's one:


Here's Another One for my Main Living Room

Virtual Switch 1

Virtual Switch 2

Hope that helps but I'm pretty sure I set it up the right way with Device ID's in Group 3

You know, and call me crazy, but the associated slave units almost seem to behaving as if there is no Z-Wave radio running. Like if the power to the hub was unplugged. VERY slow response. Eventually yes, but a long wait.

Those slave devices work from their Device pages, right? Not that that would simulate z-wave radio off, but who knows.

Have you ever done the controlled shutdown, unplug, wait 10 seconds or so, replug thing? Just wondering. It has solved a lot of ills, lol

Yeah they work from the device pages. How do I do a controlled shutdown or is there a way to test for Z-Wave communication/health? I'll be back at the house this weekend and will try anything in hopes of getting it to work correctly. Is it safe to assume it should work like the Insteon's in my main home and dim instantaneously?

I'm no expert, and I've never had Insteon, but I've associated a ZEN34 with a GE/Jasco dimmer, for laughs, and it did work. Pretty quick, I guess. It was during this process that I found out that Z-wave radio is on even if the hub is shut down but not unplugged. Zooz seems to need it running for fast association actions. Something about the device checking in with the hub first, delaying, and then doing the associated action...if the hub is unplugged and there is no z-wave radio.

I'm surprised you never came across the power cycle thing. It refreshes the radios, or something.

Go to Settings/System Settings/Shutdown. Wait until the led turns red. Unplug. Wait a little while. Replug.

Somebody with knowledge, me? no, lol, might ask for a list of all the parameter values too. It'd be a learning thing for me. Maybe you've done this already...see if you can puzzle out something referring to the advanced settings document that Zooz usually puts out for each device.

I'll see if I can find that old thread.

Is it not working, or is there just a delay?
Also, what model switches including the hardware rev.

I have two ZEN30 sitting here I could test with and few other newish models in my house. Most of my dimmers are the old ZEN27 though.

Also, I did test associations with two new Leviton devices (one switch and one dimmer). I was only able to test on/off state obviously, but that was an instant change.

I could test going from this Leviton to a ZEN30 as well.

Hi JT,

It works but there's a delay so basically not functional. These are all dimmers, so when it's held down.. by the time it reacts and you let go, the light ends up turning itself all the way on.. or all the way off. You have to guess how long to hold it and then wait and see if you were right. Here's the info I grabbed from Hubitat Device Details for Model, Firmware, and HW revision (Along with my notes on Device ID and where it's located).

• Hallway Lights
	○ Master Controller = 10 [By Maintenance Room in Hallway] [ZEN72 Firm 1.3 HWVer 1]
	○ Slave Virtual 1 = 26 [By Bar Area in Hallway] [ZEN72 Firm 10.40]

• TV Area Lights
	○ Master Controller = 1F [Main Entrance Area Switch] [ZEN72 Firm 2.10 HWVer 2]
	○ Slave Virtual 1 = 1D [Between Sliding Doors] [ZEN72 Firm 2.10 HWVer 2]
	○ Slave Virtual 2 = 1E [In Front of Stairs / Kitchen Area] [ZEN72 Firm 2.10 HWVer 2]

From re-reading one of my old posts, I was seeing delays of 40 seconds when switched/dimmed by association only, ie, no z-wave radio present.

edit: I know the weekend is a ways away, but the first thing that I'd try is the controlled power cycle thing. It's my go-to move, lol.

edit2: Some people put the hub on a wifi plug, so power can be cycled if the hub gets stuck. It's a risk, with database corruption, but not much to lose, since it can be restored from a backup. But...if you had it now, you could do a controlled shutdown, and then cycle the power via the wifi plug.

Alright, going to try to power cycle the hub this morning. Once it's completely off, I am also going to test the lights and see if they work with the hub turned off and unplugged from power. They should right?

My little experience is that there will be a 40 second delay with the hub unplugged.

if true then that's disappointing. The Insteon's are instantaneous even with the Universal Devices ISY hub turned off. They work with direct powerline and rf connectivity to each other. I was hoping zwave would act similarly. Updating the hub now and will report back in a few, thanks again for the tip!

If the hub is plugged in, it is fast.
It was disappointing to me.
I don't know if it's because of Zooz' implementation of might be.

ok, I just turned off the hubitat hub, unplugged it and tested one of my 3 ways (Basement Living Room). What I did find interesting is that 1 slave switch the delay was less than 2 seconds while another was 7-8 seconds. They are roughly in the same room and about the same distance from the master controller. I noticed the fast one is the same model as the controller.

After turning the hub back on. There's still no change, if I want to dim the lights with the slaves, I basically have to guess when to let go of it to reach the right level of brightness and then 1-2 seconds later it reacts, so at least it's not 7-8 seconds but still not wife friendly.

• Basement Living Room Lights
	○ Master Controller = 29 [Bottom of Stairs]  [ZEN72 Firm 10.40]
	○ Slave Virtual 1 = 15 [Sliding Door - 3rd switch on right] [Zen27 Firm3.40] (7-8 secs)
	○ Slave Virtual 2 = 2B [By Bar Area in Hallway - middle switch] [ZEN72 Firm 10.40] (1-2 secs)

If I recall, I also associated in Group2 for switching.

I will check into this some more when I have time, I was out of town for the weekend and now I am heading out again for a few days for work this afternoon!

I know it CAN work well, when I was testing some new Leviton devices I setup associations between a dimmer and switch and there was NO delay a all. If I switched one the other would change change instantly.

One thing you could try in the meantime if to TURN OFF the "scene" control setting on the slave switch. If you are using my drivers it is exposed in the settings. This makes the switch more responsive because it does not have to pause and check for multiple taps before sending events out, it should send things out immediately.

Thank you, I will give this a try this weekend when I'm back up there.

@TiredLeopard - Hey just wanted to follow-up and see if you had been able to resolve this. I have had zooz 72/77 switches in my house for 4 years in 3/4-way groups with z-wave associations and have the same issue. Delay of 2-5 seconds and it makes it basically unusable. I am an HA user but same experience.

Would love to figure out what the solution (if there is one) is.

Hey there, glad I'm not the only one having this issue but hate that it at the same time, sorry to hear. Unfortunately I haven't been back up there since I last posted. Was hoping to try out JTP's suggestion above but like I said, I haven't been back since. Worse case scenario is if this is a Zooz problem then I'll replace those switches with something else that actually works like it should. But I'm not at the point yet since we're not there that much over the coming winter months, if I make a change it'll be next year in the summer months.

One thing you could try in the meantime if to TURN OFF the "scene" control setting on the slave switch. If you are using my drivers it is exposed in the settings. This makes the switch more responsive because it does not have to pause and check for multiple taps before sending events out, it should send things out immediately.