View and Change Zigbee Device Settings

Thank you for moving ahead so quickly with this driver. I will do my best to assist you with testing.

Changed to your driver on a Iris V2 keypad and Hue Motion Sensor, no humidity reporting on either. Both displayed the following initial settings, not the device's actual setting.

The Keypad uses my Centralitex Driver so I was able to set it a few days ago to
zigbee.configureReporting(0x0402,0x00,0x29,30,3600,0x0008) gives me about .18F reporting intervals so I expected to see that info.

The hue is set at .25C via the Hue driver.

I also executed the Get device info on both devices. Keypad into follows

I'll continue testing this soon and get back to you.

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Thank you for the feedback, @arnb !

I will add a reading of the reporting configuration from the device in the next version. However, matching (or displaying the values of) the read configuration parameters to the HE device driver 'Commands' UI control seems to be rather difficult... One possible approach would be to switch using driver Preferences, but these are single values. So for configuring as example 5 different measurement parameters there will be 5x3=15 individual parameters. I've seen drivers with much more settable parameters, so this approach could be OK!

Hi, I'm trying to reproduce this. I'm trying the Zigbee Configuration Driver but I seem to be missing something in the way to use it.

@kkossev any help would be appreciated.

Make sure to wake up the device...


Did you manage to change the reporting settings? What type of sensor you are trying with?

I see now you are using SNZB-02. If you have your Hubitat hub updated to the latest version, the built-in driver (Sonoff Zigbee Temperature/Humidity Sensor) should allow you to achieve similar reporting configuration results. Make sure you hit the "Save Preferences" button at a time when the device is awake - for example when the temperature or the humidity is changed. Another approach would be to remove and then re-insert the battery and send the new reporting settings at that time.

The easiest way to get the settings to the device is to set them up the way you want and then re-pair the device again. ZigBee will just replace the existing device and the settings will be transferred on initial configure.


@kkossev Even with the latest Rev, the built-in driver has a 0.25C lower limit and I was looking for 0.1C. Your driver has more flexibility.

@coreystup I finally ended-up with the expected result but I'm not too sure of what worked between battery removal, waking-up or re-pairing . Most likely the re-pairing. I have more units on the way so now that I know it can work, I'll focus on the re-pairing method.

Thanks for your help.

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