Hubitat Elevation Model C-8 Pro hub delivers 2X the power and RAM of the C-8 hub for faster processing speed and the ultimate cloud free home automation experience.
Well done video. Interesting tease on the new app and dashboards. Guessing you'll get a ton of "When" questions about that. Hope @bobbyD is ready for the onslaught! A great platform that just keeps getting better. Thanks @Hubitat_Staff!
Thanks to the feedback we received over the years from this amazing community. Hubitat wouldn't be where it is today without our users' enthusiasm, support and their unstoppable energy. Thank you everyone!
I can't pinpoint that familiar voice....
Hubitat - Your home, Your rules
I’m excited to hear a new dashboard coming. I’ve been dragging my feet getting my dashboards sorted, I guess I’ll keep dragging them and then go for it with the new dashboard instead!
I would encourage you to join the beta
Needs a pop filter on the mic....
Yeah, would love to. I’ve been very close signing up for the beta several times over the years, but I just feel I wouldn’t be able to dedicate the time and effort to make it justice
Just do what I do, do your normal tinkering and see how it runs when you do your things...Play with the new features...(several new features in current beta)
My feeling is that you don't have to play with all the features. Even just doing your normal thing could uncover some issues. I've been dabbling in the long range z-wave feature now-who'd a thought I'd ever be pairing S2 with SmartStart, lol. Next up could be Dashboard 2.0; I like what I have, but I guess I might dip my toe in the water soon.
It was a great video. It got my thumbs up in YouTube!
Are you referring to zwave 800 chip or some other zwave long range feature?