Vibration Sensor

Victor, after some (online) research and some trial and error on my C7, i would like to report that vibration (acceleration) sensors do not show up in the HomeKit app as a device at all. Not the virtual device and not the physical Zigbee vibration sensor.
It seems the relevant section is missing perhaps?

Issue with this is, that the device cannot be exposed to Homekit whilst the vibration/acceleration type is known to HomeKit. For instance Aqara sells a HomeKit compliant device. Any chance this can be solved in a future firmware release?

I am also having the same issues with this sensor - it just keeps on flipping between active and inactive, even at 6, the lowest possible sensitivity.

Is there a built in Hubitat Vibration sensor driver?
If so, what is it called?

(I think I will try and implement your idea, to have RM monitor this sensor, and only if it is continually active for X minutes, to "sound the alarm".)

I had the same issue. These sensors on Z2M do not do this, so possibly they are not initialized properly with HE..just spitballing here. Anyway after pairing repeatedly and changing sensitivity(not sure it always takes the setting) it seems better. Now that I'm looking, apparently I had 5 mail deliveries between midnight and 5AM !! So it can go days being fine and then it freaks out. I wouldn't use them for anything critical, as least not on HE. On Z2M they are well behaved. I'd be curious to see how they behave on a Tuya hub, but I already have 7 Zigbee networks and don't need another, or maybe I DO !

@Rxich do you have and can you install two sensors of the same type in the mailbox - one paired to HE and the second paired to Z2M? This way you can compare if they behave differently under one and the same conditions..

The one that I have is attached to my PC chair and it detects the small movements when I am sitting on it, I have just increased the events history size to be able to see if there are any false triggering.

Is your vibration sensor the same as mine ?

  • endpointId: 01
  • application: 46
  • inClusters: 0000,000A,0001,0500
  • manufacturer: _TYZB01_3zv6oleo
  • model: TS0210
  • outClusters: 0019
  • softwareBuild:

Hi Krassimir, That's an excellent idea. Mine is a different firmware. Mine is _TZ3000_bmfw9ykl and the one on Z2M IS THE SAME as yours. Good pickup as I haven't noticed that before. I'll put both in the mailbox now

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Are there plans for this to work with HSM properly?

Look at the sneak peek screenshot here :

If the acceleration capability is not added to HPM in the next platform updates, this new app may be a solution.

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Hello Krassimir @kkossev,

I received my first vibration sensor, and haven’t been successful making it work properly.

The behavior is that it activates and deactivates constantly, without any motion causing it.

I’ve been reading different posts and now I believe I understand where I’m standing.

I guess I received the same Moes device as @Rxich. Here is the signature I receive from mine,

  • endpointId: 01
  • application: 41
  • manufacturer: _TZ3000_bmfw9ykl
  • model: TS0210

I already installed your 1.1.0 driver, but I discovered two different files of it with the same version.

Can you suggest which one should we use?



I'll try while Krassimir is otherwise occupied. You need to lower the sensitivity, however this is a sleepy device, so once you change the setting to a lower sensitivity(high# is lower sensitivity), while clicking "save preferences" be sure to wake up the sensor by tapping it repeatedly, to make sure it gets the message. I have mine set to #5 and that helped with the excess messages.
PS-you want the first driver, not the dev branch... I think


As proposed by Rxich, try lowering the sensitivity.

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Thank you both.

Tomorrow I’ll do some testing again

@Rxich what value do you have set on "After vibration is detected, wait ..."?

@kkossev , Health status appears as "unknown". Is that correct? or will be corrected in the future?

10 seconds, and my driver does not have health status. I think your health status is left over from a prior driver. You have to clear states to get rid of it

I have deleted the device, resetted to factory settings, re-added to HE and selected the Tuya Vibration .... driver, and "Health Status" keeps appearing.

Will keep testing when I get home.


Here is the Current States I receive when first added to hubitat after Factory Reset


After Configure


Everything else working fine this time.

I´ll wait for the update, when available.


I know this thread has become pretty focused on the Tuya options, but I picked up a Third Reality vibration sensor recently to check out...

It's not exactly svelte, but it works very well.

As odd as it sounds, you use a motion sensor driver for it - 3R suggests the "Generic Zigbee Motion Sensor" driver, but I'm using the "Generic Zigbee Motion Sensor (no temp)" driver since, well... no temp involved. But I tested each, and both work fine.

The sensitivity is set directly on the device itself, and the alarm option can be also be disabled right on the device.


Are you certain you're not using the DEV driver? because I see in the latest driver by Krassimir that a "TO DO" is listed for health status

ver 1.1.0 2023-03-07 kkossev - added Import URL; IAS enroll response is sent w/ 1 second delay; added _TYZB01_cc3jzhlj ; IAS is initialized on configure();

  •                            TODO: healthStatus
  •                            TODO: Publish a new HE forum thread
  •                            TODO: minimum time filter : 
  •                            TODO: handle tamper: (zoneStatus & 1<<2); handle battery_low: (zoneStatus & 1<<3); TODO: check const sens = {'high': 0, 'medium': 2, 'low': 6}[value];


def version() { "1.1.0" }
def timeStamp() {"2023/03/07 2:10 PM"}

Yes, just checked again and it is not the dev version.

It’s no big deal, now it’s working as expected.

I’ll wait for the next version.

I appreciate your help


HealthStatus is not implemented in the Tuya driver, hopefully after a month..

The ThirdReality vibration sensor seems a better choice! I also have Aqara vibration sensor, but it is not sensitive enough for my use case.

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Would love to know a rough line-of-sight hub to (repeater to) range that people have experienced with this 3rd Reality vibration sensor, I suppose it might be analogous to other of their products so that experience might be valuable as well. (May need a new thread)

Aside: From the pictures it looks like you could separate the module into two pieces, a sensor package and a battery package, and slip it into a piece of 1-1.25" ID PVC pipe (with end caps) for waterproofed outdoor use. Think attachment to a gate, fence, or even sticking out of the ground adjacent to a driveway if it's sensitive enough. Yes?

This just gave me an idea, not the use I want, but I wonder if repackaging it as described would allow it to function as a "not-during-expected-use swimming pool monitor". If weighting one end to keep the sensor end up above the water line would accomplish alerting on significant wave motion (someone/something falling in). I guess wind induced wave motion might be the biggest challenge. No company would ever likely make this for liability reasons but if it worked it could offer another layer of pool oversight.

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