Vibration Sensor

Found it.

Tuya Zigbee Vibration Sensor

Thank You @kkossev , you are amazing sir


I have attached my Tuya vibration sensor to the PC chair backrest and I am using it as a an acceleration sensor to trigger the room lighting automation. I find it rather useful when I sit still for a long period in front of the PC and the room motion sensors do not report movement,

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I have a Tuya vibration sensor (manufacturered by Sole). Initially, I used the Konke motion sensor driver. WHen I first tried the Tuya vibration sensor driver, it would indicate, but would not trigger other activities. After @kkossev worked on the driver, it works as expected.

Hello Krassimir, I have a fingerprint from a variant of the Tuya vibration sensor. Is adding the info as simple as adding just another fingerprint line? By using the info captured by "device" driver

Thank You

Fingerprint Info

dev:20502022-11-08 02:07:35.635 PMdebuggetting info for unknown Zigbee device...

dev:20502022-11-08 02:00:50.211 PMerrorjava.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "0A" on line 120 (method parse)

dev:20502022-11-08 01:59:23.586 PMinfoZigbee parsed:[raw:catchall: 0000 8005 00 00 0040 00 9011 00 00 0000 00 00 2F0011900101, profileId:0000, clusterId:8005, clusterInt:32773, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:9011, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[2F, 00, 11, 90, 01, 01]]

dev:20502022-11-08 01:59:20.396 PMinfofingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0001,0500,0000", outClusters:"0019,000A", model:"TS0210", manufacturer:"_TZ3000_bmfw9ykl"
dev:20502022-11-08 02:14:39.357 PMinfoZigbee description:zone status 0x0401 -- extended status 0x00 - sourceEndpoint:01, zoneId:FF, delay:0000

dev:20502022-11-08 02:14:39.233 PMinfoZigbee description:enroll request endpoint 0x01 : data 0x0015

dev:20502022-11-08 02:07:35.635 PMdebuggetting info for unknown Zigbee device...

dev:20502022-11-08 02:00:50.211 PMerrorjava.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "0A" on line 120 (method parse)

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Very often and hopefully now too - Yes

ver 1.0.8 2022-11-08 - TS0210 _TZ3000_bmfw9ykl

Let me know if this vibration sensor pairs successfully and whether the sensitivity setting works?

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Thank You Krassimir. Yes it successfully paired and yes the sensitivity appears to work. Maximum is extremely sensitive causing the sensor to constantly flip active. Even minimum, tho less than max is still very sensitive.

Probably an HE issue but none of the vibration active events show in HE logs, but they do show in device events. Maybe that is how it's supposed to work?

In the zigbee logs, a single vibration active event sends the following messages:


_Tuya_Vib_New2022-11-09 08:24:46.808 profileId:0x0, clusterId:0x8021, sourceEndpoint:0, destinationEndpoint:0 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-47

_Tuya_Vib_New2022-11-09 08:24:46.705 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x0, sourceEndpoint:1, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-48

_Tuya_Vib_New2022-11-09 08:24:46.604 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x500, sourceEndpoint:1, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-48

_Tuya_Vib_New2022-11-09 08:24:46.601 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x500, sourceEndpoint:1, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-48

_Tuya_Vib_New2022-11-09 08:24:46.397 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x500, sourceEndpoint:1, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-48

_Tuya_Vib_New2022-11-09 08:24:46.294 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x500, sourceEndpoint:1, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-48

_Tuya_Vib_New2022-11-09 08:24:45.287 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x1, sourceEndpoint:1, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-46

_Tuya_Vib_New2022-11-09 08:24:45.284 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x1, sourceEndpoint:1, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-45

_Tuya_Vib_New2022-11-09 08:24:45.282 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x1, sourceEndpoint:1, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-45

_Tuya_Vib_New2022-11-09 08:24:45.182 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x1, sourceEndpoint:1, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-45

_Tuya_Vib_New2022-11-09 08:24:45.179 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x0, sourceEndpoint:1, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-45

_Tuya_Vib_New2022-11-09 08:24:45.176 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x500, sourceEndpoint:1, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-45

_Tuya_Vib_New2022-11-09 08:24:45.173 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x500, sourceEndpoint:1, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-45

PS- in looking for your github I stumbled across some pharmaceutical chemistry publications, is that you?

I have purchased a Tuya Vibration Sensor, manufactured by Moes, I see the following in the device info:

fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0001,0500,0000", outClusters:"0019,000A", model:"TS0210", manufacturer:"_TZ3000_bmfw9ykl"

I am able to get it to report battery level but nothing else at this stage, has anyone else used one of these devices?

Hi @philpugh ,

This vibration sensor should be supported in the Tuya ZigBee Vibration Sensor driver.

Make sure you are pairing the sensor very close to HE hub. Sometimes it may require more than one pairing attempt, until the "acceleration active" events appear. Once the sensor is working OK near the hub, you can move it to its final destination place.

Hi @Rxich , sorry I have missed somehow your last message. Looking at the code now I see that the vibration events are not logged as Info messages, I will correct this in the next version.

Is this vibration sensor still working for you?

No, I am not into the pharmaceutical chemistry industry.. The link to my GitHub account is on my HE profile.

I was able to get it paired being closer to the hub, i can see acceleration but it keeps flipping between active and inactive

Did you try configuring lower sensitivity?

@Rxich what is the experience with your sensor, seems like it is the same?

Yes I have tried the lowest and also left it on a table that is definitely still with no chance of being knocked

When changing the sensitivity, the sensor must be 'awake' at the time when you click on the 'Save Preferences' button. In your case this is probably fulfilled, as the device is constantly reporting acceleration ..

Please check the logs - when you save the sensitivity preference, do you see on the device log page an Info log "vibration sensitivity : 6" ( or the sensitivity level you selected) ?

It looks to be adjusted accordingly

The device is currently sat on a table with no vibration and is constantly detecting vibration. I guess it could be a faulty device

I have one of the Moe's (Tuya based) vibration sensors. It operates using the Tuya Zigbee Vibration Sensor driver. I have mine set with a sensitivity of 2. When changing the sensitivity setting, you always have to tap the Configure button before the change will take effect

I have found that the best way to pair Zigbee devices is to start with the device about 20 feet away from the Hubitat hub and the put both the hub and the device into pairing mode. I then start walking slowly toward the hub. Usually, before I get within 20 ft of the hub, the device is fully paired. The reason I do this is that the antennas within the hub and device are not omnidirectional and there can also be variations in the null patterns of the signals. Placing the device in a fixed position might not be ideal for pairing, even if you are close to the hub. By moving the device, you insure you are covering a variety of positions until the transmissions are completed.

Hello Krassimir, My sensor is working fine.The fingerprint from your driver is a perfect match. I use the sensor on my mailbox and it's been fine. When paired, It received it's 16bit address about 6 weeks ago, and has held the address consistently and working perfectly. I think it's a good product.


@philpugh the logs look just fine - the device is reporting back the sensitivity level, i.e. the configuration has been successful. Seems like a bad luck with a faulty device...

I'll send it back to Amazon and try another one

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Mine just started doing the same thing, reporting constantly, after being placed on my mailbox. I'm going to try to re-pair the sensor, as the other same sensor I have on Zigbee2mqtt is not doing this