Very appreciative veteran

@moh Congratulations to your son! He sounds like an upstanding young man and an outstanding leader. Thank you for the kind words.

@2ac16mo, thank you for your service as well! My father, several uncles, stepfather, and father-in-law all went to Vietnam and returned home safely. My great uncle, whom I spent some time with growing up but never had a relationship with because he lived many states away, was former enlisted and retired as a Marine captain. He served in Korea and Vietnam and returned home safely. He was such a mild-mannered guy you would never suspect he was a Marine if it wasn't for his tattoos. It wasn't until after his death that I learned he served in both wars, was awarded two Purple Hearts, and was a pastor. That surprised me. I wish I could've spent more time with him growing up.

@Sakman and others, thank you all for the kind words. For me, it was a privilege and honor to serve. I served active duty from 1991-95 in the Air Force. It was long before 9/11 and the war on terror. I've met a lot of other veterans, younger and older, whose boots I could never fill.