Vera to Hubitat. Very happy

Agreed, it was a great community until Ezlo started blowing off their own body parts.

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Same, when learning zwave, and trying to work through Vera issues, I ran into this multiple times and had to use a z-stick to recover the device.

PLEG was a user hostile nightmare! I can’t believe I paid money for that PoS! I deleted it after an hour!

Reactor, on the other hand, was awesome and I enjoyed working with Patrick to test and improve it.

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Seriously let’s face it. Vera was abandoned. No new devices added, etc. It was a dated platform that the company no longer was interested in improving. There were some great support people behind the scenes that could basically hack any device into you HA if you asked them. I was very tired of the day-to-day change in behavior. There were some fundamental problems with its OS that caused that. Battery devices were a nightmare because of it. HE handles things like nothing I’ve experienced. :heart:


Reactor was the best thing that ever happened to Vera. Thanks Patrick. I paid him my $20 for his work. He was great at supporting it as well. I understand that they integrated Reactor into the Ezlo platform. Hope he has moved on.

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He’s still around and I believe there is a multi hub version now.

I donated a few times, his work was excellent and I enjoyed talking to him.

Indeed. I had used Multi-hub Reactor on HE for a while until I picked-up on the different HE apps.
Patrick was great to communicate with and had integrity that Ezlo didn't deserve. I had bought Patrick a few cups of coffee over the years.
I retired Reactor and brought in HA on Proxmox to play with. I love how HE integrates easily with just about anything I need and the devs around here are great help.

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The devs on here are very helpful.

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This was just the thread I was looking for.

I still have a running vera, barely, and I just can't deal with the basics crapping out anymore. They can't even keep their login portal SSL certificate up to date, which was the proverbial straw for me tonight.

So what's the catch here? Do these things really just work as intended? Nothing's gonna blow up in my face if I decide to get a new phone (Vera geofencing nightmares!) ? Is Google gonna stop telling me that my HA service is unavailable every 2nd command I give it? The bar is pretty low coming from where I am. I'd be happy if the bathroom light came on when i walked in instead of waiting until I was 1/2 way done.

Is there a minimum suggested device count to make an informed C8 vs C8 Pro decision? It's just me, in a small condo with about 25 zwave and zigbee devices. For the minimal price difference should I just go Pro, or is that going to be about the equivalent of taking a Ferrari for the weekend grocery run?


It’s like computers, buy the most powerful one you can afford to get the most longevity.

I have 2 hubs because I eventually got to the point where I had too much going on to have just one. It wasn’t CPU for me, it was ram I was running out of. A single C8 Pro could manage my house by itself.

Btw you can run multiple Hubitat hubs easily with the hub mesh feature, so if you do want to spend less up front, you can add an another one later.

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Nothing Is perfect, but the overall experience is excellent.

The migration will be your biggest challenge - especially if you have a z wave network. I’m not going to say it’s easy, it’s tedious. But once you exclude your device, including it to Hubitat is easy. Then you will have to reconfigure each one.

The good news is, subsequent migrations from Hubitat hub to Hubitat hub are dead easy IME.

The HE has the ability to exclude your devices built in. No need to waste time with Vera anymore. What I did was get my HE c8 (not pro) up and running by my office PC which is nowhere near the vera plus I have. I unplugged the vera. I went room by room and individually excluded and then included each device using my phone app. Rebuilt basic scenes with Rule Machine (refined them later) and never spoke the vera name again. The C8 has amazing range. After all was done, rebuild the network and be happy.

Trust me. The HE experience is what we all wanted but vera could not provide. Fast! Responsive! Same everyday! Reliable! Just don’t think about it anymore. C8 Pro? I’ve got 45 zwave with many battery devices plus now zigbee. The thing doesn’t even blink at that.


Ah I’d forgotten you could do this, it was a few years ago now that I bought my first c7.

Rebuilding the whole network isn't so bad. I went through a period with GE zigbee bulbs on Vera. You know, the ones where every week one or two of them would just ignore the controller until it was removed and re-added?

Thank all for the replies, especially on someone else's thread. I just need to go about checking compatibility of all my stuff and I'll be ready to pull the trigger.

Can't wait to join MiOS Anonymous. I hope they have cookies.


I have some of those too... I have never been too sure if it was a 'device' problem or a 'Vera' problem

Device. I replaced them all with sengled bulbs and never had a ZigBee issue again

you can still use the old one.. i still have rules in rm 4.1 if you need to get it pm me ill send you a rule you can load .. i think that will enable it.

yes that works just tested an export and import on a hub that did not have rule machine legacy and now its there.

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Ahh I got a blank rule.. I'll test the import tomorrow as if it really works....

You do the import under settings/ restore apps

Vera3 UI5 user here, still trying to shift to Hubitat, I was active on the Vera forums for close to 10 years and I am willing to help anybody here with questions in motorized window coverings being around them for 20 years now.