Using Zooz Power Switch setup

I would like to create an automation using Rule Machine for a Zooz Power Switch. I would like my Sonos speaker to give a notification when the 3D printer is done doing a project. I know that when the 3D printer is idle the Zooz Power Switch power meter reads 14.48. When the 3D printer is working the power meter reads over 90.95.
Can someone guide me on creating automation for getting notifications on my sonos speaker when the 3D printer is done with a project?

I can think of two ways, one is much simpler but a "hack".

Use Better Laundry Monitor. It should be very similar to a wash machine in how you want to observe the cycles and so on, and it can push notifications at the end of the "cycle".

The other would be to write a couple rules. I have a similar rule for my water heater, it watches the wash machine plug for power, and when the washer is on, it changes the water heater settings. Here is the first part where I determine whether things are on or off. You would just take this, and feed it to a second rule to make the speech part happen.

Edit: I should add, you could put everything in one rule, but having a separate rule like this allows you to reuse this logic in other places or other rules.


This was the first thing I thought of as well. I think it would be more self-documenting than a rule would be.