Using Z-Wave details to troubleshoot mesh

So first some background. I have a detached garage that has some zwave devices in it. It's between 100 and 150 ft. from my house. I have a couple strategically placed repeaters to extend my mesh (branch, really) out there. There are two devices primarily responsible for covering this distance. The first is a Zooz ZEN14 outdoor plug hanging from an outdoor receptacle on the house. The second is a ZEN51 tucked into an exterior PVC conduit fitting on the garage wall facing the house.

While looking over my Z-Wave details page, I noticed that the ZEN17 in the detached garage was shown as only 9.6 kbps connection. Almost every other device (including its nearest neighbor the ZEN51) is indicating 100 kbps. Hoping to strengthen and speed up this connection, i put another powered repeater between these two. However, after putting the repeater in place, i haven't really seen any improvement in connection speed, or maybe more accurately, I haven't seen the Z-Wave details page show any improvement.

Right now my biggest questions are how accurate is the info shown on the Z-Wave details screen (neighbor count, route, connection speed, etc.)? After moving a device, how long until i can expect to see changes to that information appear? and is there any way to force the mesh to update and show the new Z-Wave details? I've tried running a Z-Wave repair and rebooting with no updates appearing in the details.

A screenshot of the slow device is attached. Note that all of the other devices on the route show a connection speed of 100 kbps.

The Z-Wave details page is a "dump" of the DB that is out on the ZWave radio. Obviously it's formatted and has features such as the Refresh, Repair buttons and a link to the Device Info. In other words, this page is the ZWave Radio details with a link back to the Hub's device details. The accuracy is high.

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Maybe I'm misunderstanding something then. Take a look at the screenshot below. My "garage door controller- shop" is connected at 9.6 kbps. The ZEN17 Repeater routes through the garage door controller, but is connected at 100 kbps. How is that possible? Isn't the connection speed limited by the slowest link in the route?



Your ZWave Details doesn't have enough info to supply the answer. It's missing LQI, RSSI and RTT data. It's likely that your Shop, being far away, has a sketchy RF reception and that 9600 is all it can do. It certainly has a few hops and just 2 neighbors to pick from. Your Zen51 is using the same routing but achieving 100k. Therefore it's the difference that makes the difference. The difference is the final hop, to the end device.

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That screenshot was taken right after I moved one device and then did a Z-Wave repair. I've started to see some of the data that you saw was missing being populated. I've also noticed routes and speeds updating. I'll wait a bit more and post a follow up tomorrow.

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