Using Schlage BE469 as my security keypad to DISARM HSM

There's some information here that will help, but basically, a trigger reacts to an event (like a door opening or closing--or in your case, a lock being unlocked by a code), while a condition is a state that can be either true or false (like whether the door is open). You don't necessarily need a trigger for as much as this description makes it sound like you might, since a condition will be re-evaluated when something (e.g., the door closing and then re-opening) causes a truth change. However, "lock code XYZ used" is kind of odd to think about as a condition, and if you're the only person who uses the door, I don't think its truth as a condition will ever change (maybe if you have another code and that becomes the last used?). I actually don't know how that is evaluated. In any case, this is definitely one that makes more sense to think of as a trigger, since that "trigger" will fire every time the code is used, regardless of whether a "condition" that uses similar criteria would have experienced a truth change.