I was wondering what the "Use local hub for URL for IDE access" slider does in webCoRE's settings? I guess I don't know what IDE access is and if I want to access it
I was wondering what the "Use local hub for URL for IDE access" slider does in webCoRE's settings? I guess I don't know what IDE access is and if I want to access it
This is for if you are hosting the webCoRE IDE locally, i.e, on your own server, and want to use that instead of the "cloud" (dashboard.webcore.co
) editor. Most people are not doing this, as it takes some work to set up and must be updated from time to time to keep up with the webCoRE version on the hub -- but it is possible if you want the editor to work locally. Pistons behave the same (local execution, aside from features that inherently need the cloud) no matter what.
Thanks for the reply.
I have webcore installed on a Debian server that's on the same subnet as my HE. I know I need "use custom endpoint" turned on to do this. My understanding was the webUI runs on my local server instead of the cloud but the pistons reside on my HE regardless of which I use.
I haven't noticed a difference with working on my pistons turning "Use local hub for URL for IDE access" on and off withthe slider. Maybe I'm missing something and didn't catch something in your reply?
TIA again
That understanding is correct. If you have it set to use the local URL, the "dashboard"/IDE link in the app should take you there instead of the one at dashboard.webcore.co
. Other than the editor, there shouldn't be any difference. If that isn't working for you, I'm not sure...