USB Battery Shutoff

I have a couple of iBeacons that are USB powered. I was experimenting with using them as an arrival sensor. So, I pulled out on of my Anker batteries and plugged one of the iBeasons into it. It works great until the battery shuts itself off after an hour or so.

I assume this is a "feature" of the battery because it thinks the very low power usage of the iBeacon means it has been charged.

Are you aware of a USB batter pack that won't automatically shut down?

Talentcell or Konnected USB capable UPS batteries will work.

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Every Li-ion battery charger controller (IC) shuts off at voltage. Generally 4.2V for 18650 batteries. They would not be effected by load. Perhaps you should try something else plugged into your Anker battery to verify function.

Here are 2 units that use rechargeable lithium batteries. They don't have cases but you could get 1 3D printed. They run untill the batteries are almost exhausted, even with tiny current draws

The first one holds 18650 cells,scm-url:1007.10668.131923.0,pvid:635234be-63ac-4b87-8a7c-cbec7a8cefa0,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238114%231999&pdp_npi=4%40dis!USD!19.65!19.65!!!19.65!19.65!%402101c5ac17138048594885664e1711!12000037389751406!rec!US!712076553!&utparam-url=scene%3ApcSmartCardPaySuccess|query_from%3A

This one, is higher capacity. It takes 21700 cells for a much longer runtime. I am currently using it and it works very well

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I have an Anker battery and it definitely shuts down if it doesn’t sense a load. This is likely done so that it doesn’t continue being depleted after unplugging a phone (it’s main purpose). I imagine that a small beacon just doesn’t draw enough power to register.

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I also have a couple of battery packs that have this automatic load sensing shutoff as well. They are not meant for lower power devices. They are meant for charging/supplying power to your mobile device.


TalentCells provide ups power to my modem, router, and hub.

It sounds like the OP is looking for a battery pack, rather than a UPS. Those talentcell devices are useful to plug the hub (or another stationary device) into, but aren’t really intended to be a portable power source for something like an arrival sensor (although some are small enough they could be used that way, I suppose).

I only tried the Anker because it was handy. The Anker actually has a feature to charge low-power devices, like earbuds; but it will still turn off automatically.

I found and ordered a battery holder for four AA batteries that has a female USB output. This should work for my project.