Upgraded from C5 to C8 due to memory issues with hubitat

Upgraded from C5 to C8 due to memory issues. Would like to check to see if I have any issues with devices that are causing issues that I need to fix. Can someone help me or direct me to a post?

This isn't clear to me: are you noticing any problems? If not, I suppose you might not have anything to fix. :slight_smile:

Otherwise, it's hard to say anything without knowing more. For general troubleshooting, I'd start with this document, particularly the section on general hub issues, including checking Past (or live) Logs and App and Device stats.


Thanks, sorry my main issue with the C5 was receiving a low memory error therefore I thought the first step would be to upgrade to C8. With that being said I have over 50 devices connected to Hub. I was just wanting to see if I sent in logs if someone could see if there is a device or app that is causing a lot of processing that could be fixed or modified. I hope that makes sense.

This is something you can do. See the document I linked to above.

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