Upgraded and Now very Slow

Hi All,

A few days ago I upgraded to the latest patch. .130. Since doing this upgrade my hub has been very slow. About 1/2 of my devices are slow, others seem to be ok.

Example: This morning I come out of my bedroom into the hall (I have a motion sensor there to turn on hall lights) Lights came on no problem. Walked into Living Room (motion sensor there to turn on living room lights) Lights came on no problem. Walked into Kitchen (motion sensor there to turn on kitchen lights) Light came on no problem. No here's were things start happening.

Opened up the door to garage (contact sensor there to turn on Garage lights) Lights come on no problem. Open other Garage door to outside (contact sensor)..... No with my mobile looking at my dashboard, the dashboard does not show the garage lights on yet they are on, does not show my garage door open, door is open. I also have a Schlage z wave lock on this door, Dashboard is not showing lock as unlocked. Within about 1 min. I look at dashboard and now it shows garage light on. Hit the icon to turn light off via dashboard, light goes off, dashboard show it still on.

Also within that 1 min, it now shows my door open. Closed door, Dashboard not showing it closed. Manually lock Schlage, no change in dashboard.

Walked back into kitchen (lights now off) motion sensor picked me up but lights did not come on. In about 45 seconds boom the lights came on.

Schlage: I had this locking finally working good for the last 2-3 months. After upgrade, I can not communicate with lock via dashboard. I now have to disconnect batteries from lock, reconnect and I will have my lock back for about 1-2 hours then it's gone again.

The lock is within 15 feet of the hub and I do have a Aeotec Range Extender between the lock and hub.

I tried restoring to version .125. It seem to restore ok, then looking at Settings> Hub Details, it said I was still on version .130. Restored again... same thing.

I have rebooted my wifi router a few times, rebooted my hub multiple times and have done z wave repairs. I can't seem to get my hub back to where it was.


Is the issue with zwave or with zigbee?
If zwave, have you done a zwave repair?
If Zigbee, have you looked at: http://ip address/hub/zigbee/getChildAndRouteInfo

Is there anything going on in your logs?

Z-Wave and yes I have done many z wave repairs. Funny thing is nothing will show in log if I turn off light or on light but the light will sometimes turn on and off.

Time to get in touch with support@hubitat.com

Ya I sent email this morning. I am also trying to restore to .125

After you restore the firmware, restore an earlier database backup too.

How are you attempting to restore to .125? Restoring a .125 backup will not revert the hub firmware to .125. Backups are simply the hub's database (essentially your hub's configuration data (Apps, Devices, etc...)) To restore firmware, the easiest way is to browse to your hub on port 8081 (i.e. http://yourhubip:8081) and perform a firmware restore.

Ok my bad. I have been restoring .125 database on the .130 firmware. Can I get to the :8081 externally? I'm at work.

No, you must be on your home LAN. Hopefully support will get up with you soon to help identify the root cause of the issue. I don't believe there were any changes between .125 and .130 that would explain the issues you're experiencing.

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I will have to try restoring to Firmware .125 and database .125 at lunch. I'll keep you guys posted

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I had the same experience with upgrading from 2.1.3 to, most z-wave and some zigbee devices slowed down drastically I'd turn on a z-wave light that should trigger a zigbee outlet to turn on and it might take 40 seconds or longer, even after the hub finally showed the z-wave turned on the zigbee took a while before it turned on. I reverted back to the last 2.1.3 firmware and everything was back to normal speed.

Ya I'm itching to bit to get home and revert back to .125. When you have a smart home and it is dumber then a box of rocks it's very frustrating.

You only get access to the last 3 firmware versions if I remember so you may not be able to get to .125 if you updated to every hotfix.

It defiantly doesn't impress my wife when things fail to happen as expected.

Yes My wife is so use to telling google to turn on the TV or lights and when it don't work.....Oh I hear about it...

Ok I was able to revert to .128 Firmware and .128 database. I will give it some time and see what happens

Did things speed back up for you?

Hi. A little but still having issues. Support is also trying to figure this out.

Something else that happening is

I have a motion sensor in my kitchen when triggered turns on two different kitchen lights. I can walk into the kitchen the motion sensor gets triggered and the lights will come on. Now they're set to go off after 1 minute of no activity. I can walk into the garage be outside for 5-10 minutes come back into the house walk into the kitchen motion sensor does get triggered but the lights will not come on. However the log says lights on but the lights didn't come on.

Is the light that doesn't turn on a florescent light? I have one in my kitchen that for some reason gets latched in the off condition. Did this with Wink as well. Hubitat shows it turning on and off with no results. I have to manually turn it off for about a minute to recover.(or just leave it off for several min) Generally only happens if I turn it off and on quickly (like 15-20 seconds)

No, new LED lights.