Upgrade to c8 and now remote admin not working

I recently upgrade from C5 to C8 and Migration has completely successfully but now can’t access remote admin. I checked my subscription and it doesn’t expire until August. After I upgraded I transferred the subscription to the new hub but I also changed the name slightly so I wonder if that’s what’s causing the issue.

How do I submit a ticket to get this fixed? Thanks.

Remote Admin is applied to your account, not a particular hub. So, a few related questions:

  • What subscription did you transfer?
  • Do you have both Hub Protect and Remote Admin? Hub Protect is per-hub and can be transferred.
  • Hub Protect alone does not get you Remote Admin, though there is a bundle you can get for both together at a discount.
  • What happens when you "can't access" Remote Admin? For example, any error messages?

Assuming your hub is signed into the same account you're using to sign into my.hubitat.com, you might just want to verify that your new hub has Internet connectivity. Using the Network Test tool on the hub to ping cloud.hubitat.com is an easy way to do that, or if you don't have any special network configuration on the hub (static IP, custom DNS, Wi-Fi, etc.). you can do a network reset by pressing and holding the button on the bottom for about 7+ seconds until the LED changes color and the hub reboots -- which can help with such problems if misconfiguration is/was the cause.

I think I found a solution.

I have hub protect plus remote admin and it was working fine before my upgrade. Hub protect is working and cloud backups are correctly being stored, so I believe that proves Internet connectivity.

When I tried to go to remote admin all it did was spin … never brought up page.

I went into subscriptions on local admin then My Account, Registered Hubs and requested to reload subscriptions and that seems to have resolved the issue.
