Upgrade to C-7

On the back of the lock (mechanical side) there is a label with the firmware on it as well as the 2 original codes that are programmed into the lock

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my specific scenario is:

Turn my light off. Wake up in the morning light is off but dashboard says its on. These light are on a lutron pro hub. I did invest in lutron hub extender. It fixed the issue on several other light a few months ago when lights were not behaving. This seems to be a weird dashboard thing, although the history never shows a command was used to turn it off, but we say the light go out.

They are 469’s but the firmware is only 6.8.

That might be dicey on the c7. Make sure you factory reset the lock and pair within 2 feet of hubitat.

that's a shame. I recall getting it paired up was a challenge and ultimately bought some AEOTEC extenders to keep the communication after pairing. I have a good bit of rules around the the locks.

@rlithgow1 I appreciate that you kept on this post!

You can always leave them on the C5 and use them through hub mesh

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