after upgrading.. says welcome to hub..
appears to have reset.
This happened to my once. I restored the last backup.
trying that now
not sure how that will work as last backup was before the databsae conversion
So the old database will work with the new engine. But not the other way around.
ya but will it leave the old database format or retry the conversion?
I think it will retry the conversion.
seems to be up and running now thanks.. can we get a clarification on what db version i will be on.
secondly recommend you document the log changes.
it was very confusing to me that the "all" disappeared to view all the logs after picking an individual device until i realized that is now what the clear filters does.
also does "clear" only clear your screen. or delete all old logs thus freeing up memory?
I suspect you got this on a hub that was previously in beta... There were a few loose ends that got tidied up by the time 2.3.3 was prepared for general availability. Please PM me the hub id, and I'll take a look.
If the hub is running 2.3.3, it's definitely using new database engine (with new database files).
If the hub is running 2.3.2 or earlier version, it's definitely using old database engine (with old database files).
This is intentional, this way rolling back to previous version can be smoother.
Thanks its working but was never a beta tester. Sending u id.
thanks sent it.. let me know what you find, but if i had to hazard a guess...
The hub was low on memory up and running for 20+ days or so..
My guess is that the database upgrade failed due to low memory and it punted and booted without the database.
the database was not corrupted becuase i restored the one i had manually saved just before the upgrade and it worked fine.
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